midsized kernel是什么意思 midsized kernel的中文翻译、读音、例句

midsized kernel是什么意思 midsized kernel的中文翻译、读音、例句

midsized kernel的意思是"中等籽粒",其中文解释还有"中等籽粒"的意思,读音为[midsizedkernel],midsized kernel来源于英语,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到81个与midsized kernel相关的例句。

Midsized kernel的释义


例句:Where is the kernel of the original file TURBOLINUX can download? (哪里有TURBOLINUX的内核原文件可以下载? )


midsized kernel一般作为名词使用,如在midsized(a. 中等大小的;中型的;中号的)、kernel(内核 )、diffusion kernel(扩散核)等常见短语中出现较多。

midsizeda. 中等大小的;中型的;中号的
diffusion kernel扩散核
dimensional kernel[数] 维数核
Dirichlet kernel狄利克雷核
domain kernel域核
discontinuous kernel不连续核
displacement kernelun. 位移核;住移影乡函数
dried kernel干棕仁


1. Next, look at your kernel config file. (翻译:接下来,查看内核配置文件。)

2. The kernel of recycling economy is to utilize resources circularly. (翻译:循环经济的核心内涵是资源循环利用。)

3. The thewall defines the upper limit for network kernel buffers. (翻译:thewall 定义网络内核缓冲区的上限值。)

4. The first module the thread ran is vmlinux, or kernel code. (翻译:线程运行的第一个模块是vmlinux,或内核代码。)

5. This article demonstrates /proc, as well as loadable kernel modules. (翻译:这篇文章展示了 /proc 以及可加载内核模块。)

6. The NETtel router family runs an Embedded Linux kernel. (翻译:nettel路由器系列运行的是嵌入式Linux内核。)

7. Loadable kernel module; no recompilation of the kernel is required. (翻译:可装载内核模块;无需重编译内核。)

8. The kernel oil of Hodgsonia macrocarpa is edible. (翻译:油瓜的种仁油可供食用。)

9. LXC requires some specific kernel configurations. (翻译:LXC需要一些特定的内核配置。)

10. Note that kernel_execve is the function used to start the init process at boot time and does not use the usermode-helper API. (翻译:请注意kernel_execve是在启动时开启init进程的函数,而且未使用usermode-helperAPI。)

11. By 1991, GNU was complete except for the kernel. (翻译:到xx年,GNU除了内核以外均已完成。)

12. DIF is supported within Linux as of kernel version 2.6.27. (翻译:自从内核版本2.6.27以来,Linux内支持DIF。)

13. Using kmdb, the kernel debuger (翻译:使用 kmdb,内核调试器 )

14. Init is the first real process to be started by the kernel on bootup. (翻译:init是将在内核启动时启动的第一个实际进程。)

15. For instance, a status list was created at the Kernel Newbies site to keep track of new kernel features that had been proposed. (翻译:例如,在KernelNewbies站点上创建了一个状态列表,来保持对已经提出的内核新部件的追踪。)

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