refractidine是什么意思 refractidine的中文翻译、读音、例句

refractidine是什么意思 refractidine的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:We always dine out at weekends. (我们周末总是在外吃饭。)


1. When the product is illuminated with light, the coating layer will refract light to exhibit color change and image refracting visual effect. (翻译:由上述方法所完成的产品,当基材透过光线照射,因镀膜层将光线折射,而会呈现不同的色彩变化及光影折射的视觉效果。)

2. Van Dine when can you hear the voice of my heart? (翻译:范达音啊 范达音 你什么时候才能听见 我心底的声音)

3. The largest ones even dine on small sharks and, sadly, young turtles. (翻译:最大的石斑甚至吃小鲨鱼 很可悲的,还有幼龟)

4. If you decide to dine here, try the Caribbean chicken and pineapple crepes. (翻译:如果你决定在那里用餐,不妨试试加勒比鸡肉和菠萝薄饼。)

5. Free from competition, these giants can dine alone. (翻译:由于没有竞争 这些大家伙得以独自享用美食)

6. Edmund and Julia were invited to dine at the Parsonage, and _she_ was excluded. (翻译:埃德蒙和朱莉娅接到邀请去牧师府上吃饭,而她却被排除在外。)

7. "If only I had not accepted that invitation to dine at 27," Mrs. Darling said. (翻译。”达琳太太说。)

8. Kip comes by, a lot of the time we... we dine, we drink, (翻译:硖来了,很多时候我们. 我们吃饭,我们喝,)

9. And I don't know about you, but I prefer to dine. (翻译:虽然我并不了解你们, 更喜欢在坐在桌上用餐。)

10. I'll be obliged to dine on liver and lungs stuffed in a sheep's stomach. (翻译:我要假装开心吃掉 塞在羊肚里的羊肝羊肺吗?)

11. We French no longer believe that the Germans dine only on bratwurst and sauerkraut. (翻译:我们法国人不再认为德国人只吃小香肠和泡菜了。)

12. When you dine with the actual district attorney, let me know. (翻译:你下次和这个地区检察官助理出去吃饭 要让我知道啊)

13. And you will meet her by and by, because I insist that you dine at Barton Park today and every day (翻译:你们会经常看见她的 我要你们今晚在巴顿庄园吃饭 以后每一天都是 直到安顿下来)

14. I wouldn't expect you to dine with common folk like us then. (翻译:我不希望你吃饭 与我们一样普通的民间呢。)

15. Working doors and windows, seat the minifigures on the bus or have them dine at the pizzeria! (翻译:工作门窗,座位上的人仔巴士或让他们在比萨店用餐!)

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