refraction equation是什么意思 refraction equation的中文翻译、读音、例句

refraction equation是什么意思 refraction equation的中文翻译、读音、例句

refraction equation在英语中代表"折射方程序"的意思,还经常被翻译为折射方程序,单词读音音标为[refractionequation],refraction equation在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到11个与refraction equation相关的例句。

Refraction equation的中文翻译


例句:High-order virial equation. (高次维里方程。)


refraction equation一般作为名词使用,如在refraction(折射 )、equation(①方程②相等 )、the equation([网络] 方程序;扩展欧几里德;薛定谔方程)等常见短语中出现较多。

the equation[网络] 方程序;扩展欧几里德;薛定谔方程
differential refraction折射差数
diffuse refraction漫折射
diffused refraction[电] 漫折射
double refraction[化] 双折射\n[医] 双折射
dynamic refraction[医] 活动[眼]折射(正常视调节)
equivalent refraction[医] 等效折射


1. So no need to remove her from the equation? (翻译:也就是说 不需要让她从我们的视线里消失了?)

2. Refraction is often applied as a reconnaissance tool in newly explored areas. (翻译:折射波法在新的勘探地区,通常都作为一种普查手段。)

3. Continuity equation, momentum equation and energy equation are used to describe the plastic material flow in FSW process. (翻译:用连续性方程、动量守恒方程和能量守恒方程描述搅拌摩擦焊过程中材料的塑性流动状态。)

4. The odd property on which Dr Hess's plan rests is called negative refraction. (翻译:赫斯博士的计划依赖的奇异特性叫做“阴性折射”。)

5. Investigation of negative refraction property for a compact LHM with broad bandwidth (翻译:宽频带小单元异向介质设计与负折射特性验证)

6. As a result of refraction in the area of the indentation of a line of large, complex, as a result, pressure control is important. (翻译:由于折光压痕的面积不小、线条驳杂,因此,不张力的把持很是次给。)

7. This is the same equation, the Schr? Dinger equation, only it has different boundary conditions. (翻译:相同的方程,薛定谔方程,只不过有不同的限制条件。)

8. UV refraction ink printer only if the mirror on business card printing and membership card when you can produce a unique refraction effect. (翻译:UV折光油不朱只有在镜背承印质料表背上制卡和会员卡制作时才能爆发特别的折光成果。)

9. To prove with a single equation that time has a beginning. (翻译:用一个公式来证明 To prove with a single equation 时间是有起点的 that time has a beginning.)

10. What is the quadratic equation? (翻译:what is the quadratic equation?)

11. If anything, the refraction of the atmosphere would make the moon look slightly smaller. (翻译:如果真有大气层折射, 那也应该让月亮看起来小一点。)

12. WaxmanSmits (WS) equation is an evolution of Acrhie equation for shaly sands, and it is a nonlinear equation. (翻译:方程是阿尔奇方程在泥质砂岩地层中的推广,W-S方程为非线性方程。)

13. Objective:Research the curative effects of myopia and error of refraction in callans by the ophthalmic acupuncture. (翻译:目的:观察眼针治疗青少年近视屈光不正的疗效。)

14. That is a parametric equation for the sphere. (翻译:那是球体的一个参数方程。)

15. Refraction of the lenses causes the image to appear upside down, so we.... (翻译:由于折射的关系 影像上下颠倒,所以...)

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