regression estimation通常被翻译为"回归估计"的意思,还经常被翻译为回归估计,发音音标为[regressionestimation],regression estimation在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到21个与regression estimation相关的例句。
Regression estimation的翻译
例句:And our regression test is Done. (我们的回归测试 已经完成 And our regression test is... 测试进行中 测试通过 搭建完成)
regression estimation一般作为名词使用,如在kernel regression estimation(核回归估计)、estimation(估计 )、difference estimation(差量估计)等常见短语中出现较多。
kernel regression estimation | 核回归估计 |
estimation | 估计 |
difference estimation | 差量估计 |
econometric estimation | [经] 经济计量估计 |
empirical estimation | 经验估计 |
error estimation | 误差估计 |
error of estimation | 估计误差 |
efficiency estimation | 效率估计 |
efficient estimation | 有效估计 |
1. Empirical estimation is available for study of soil AWC. (翻译:对土壤awc进行经验估算,是一种有效方法。)
2. Application of VIL in Identification of Hailstorms and Estimation Error Analysis (翻译:VIL在识别冰雹云中的应用及估测误差分析)
3. Marculescu insisted the sport was "evolving" but in truth it is a regression. (翻译:虽然玛卡里斯库坚持认为这项运动在不断“发展”,但事实上这是一种倒退。)
4. Pulps - Estimation of dirt and shives - Inspection of laboratory sheets (翻译:纸浆.污物和碎片的测定.实验室纸板的检验)
5. The results are as follows: The relationship between the precipitation and the stemflow is a linear regression. (翻译:结果如下:树干茎流量与降雨量成线性相关,回归方程达到极显著水平;)
6. See COCOMO II for techniques for applying coefficients in estimation. (翻译:参看 COCOMO II,了解在估算中应用系数的技术。)
7. There was an estimation, a conservative estimation, a couple of years ago that the U.S. economy benefited by 57 billion dollars per year. (翻译:几年前,有个 保守的估计, 美国经济每年 因昆虫而获益五百七十亿 美元。)
8. Estimation of Soil Water Content and Wheat Coverage with ASAR Image (翻译:利用ASAR图像监测土壤含水量和小麦覆盖度)
9. The demand for a wide estimation range and an accurate estimation are always incompatible in many frequency estimation algorithms. (翻译:在许多频偏估值算法中,估值范围和估值精度是难以同时兼顾的一对矛盾。)
10. The basic strategy of MHE is to reformulate the estimation problem asa quadratic program using a moving estimation window. (翻译:滚动时域估计的基本策略就是将状态估计问题化为一个二次规划问题。)
11. We identified predictors for completion through multivariate logistic regression. (翻译:我们通过多元logistic回归分析确定了CD4检测完成的预测因素。)
12. The estimation was that the fight would last for six months. (翻译:估计战斗将持续六个月。至少。The estimation was that the fight would last for six months.)
13. Bispectrum and subsection dechirp for the LFM signal parameter estimation (翻译:用于LFM信号参数估计的双谱和分段解线调方法)
14. See COCOMO II for techniques for applying coefficients in estimation. (翻译:参看COCOMOII,了解在估算中应用系数的技术。)
15. to reappraise the historical data we use to estimate the regression equation . (翻译:应用过去的估计回归公式时,我们必须注意对历史数据进行重新估价。)