reheat factor是什么意思 reheat factor的中文翻译、读音、例句

reheat factor是什么意思 reheat factor的中文翻译、读音、例句

reheat factor的中文解释是"再热系数",作为名词时有"化"的意思,发音音标为[reheatfactor],reheat factor常被用作名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到87个与reheat factor相关的例句。

Reheat factor的释义


例句:It is a hemotropic factor called hemopoietin. (它是一种叫造血素的促血因子。)


例句:And you need the fourth factor, which perhaps is the most important factor. (然后,你需要第四个要素,也可能是最重要的一个要素 )


reheat factor一般作为名词使用,如在reheat(再加热 )、double reheat(次再热,(蒸汽)二次中间再热)、exhaust reheat(排气重热(如在喷气式发动机的透平排气中新加燃料燃烧以提高排气温度))等常见短语中出现较多。

double reheat次再热,(蒸汽)二次中间再热
exhaust reheat排气重热(如在喷气式发动机的透平排气中新加燃料燃烧以提高排气温度)
frictional reheat擦再热
hot reheat高温级再热
reheat augmentation复燃加力
reheat boiler(中间)再热锅炉
reheat chamber复燃室
reheat combustor再热燃烧室


1. Try to cook food near to the time of eating. However, if you need to reheat food, use the microwave oven. (翻译:尽量在临吃饭前才煮食,翻热食物时请尽量使用微波炉。)

2. That is one factor brightening prospects for LDK. (翻译:这是LDK前景看好的一个因素。)

3. As far as each factor is concerned, it is not a unilateral linear process but a process of every factor's feedback and cooperation. (翻译:就创新各个环节而言,也不是单向的线性过程,而是各个环节上下反馈、相互协同的过程。)

4. Ordering something that will reheat easily will provide you with a delicious lunch or dinner the next day. (翻译:购买一种可以容易再加热的可口午餐或晚餐,留待第二天食用。)

5. It follows that solanine is not a controlling factor in tuberization. (翻译:认为茄碱不是控制块茎形成的因子。)

6. Corporate felt genetic modification would up the wow factor. (翻译:公司觉得基因改造将会非常惊艳 Corporate felt genetic modification would up the wow factor.)

7. I think you can get at least a factor of two, maybe a factor of four or five improvement on top of that. (翻译:我觉得至少能够再提高一倍。或许能够在之前的基础上 再提高四五倍。)

8. The critical factor is to synchronize responses. (翻译:而实现该目标的关键 在于全球的同步响应。)

9. I finished that transcription factor program. (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs15\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0}那个DNA转录因子项目 我做完了 {\fnMS Reference Sans Serif\fs12\bord1\shad0\3aHCC\b0}I finished that transcription factor program.)

10. So this capacity to reheat itself is completely automatic, and it's not relying on any sort of energy input from living cells. (翻译:所以这种修复自己的能力是完全自动的,并不需要生活细胞提供能量来源。)

11. IPI was a valuable prognostic factor. (翻译:IPI是有价值的预后因素。)

12. Haemophiliacs have no factor 8 in their blood. (翻译:血友病患者的血液中缺乏凝血因子 VIII。)

13. It is the determining factor of their academic success. (翻译:这是他们学业成功的决定性因素。)

14. Another important factor is combinatorics. (翻译:您知道吗,略德尼拉. 伯洛哥菲耶夫娜? 还有一点得 注意,要配得恰当)

15. The other factor is the tightness of credit. (翻译:另一个因素是信贷紧缩。)

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