reimbursable expenditures是什么意思 reimbursable expenditures的中文翻译、读音

reimbursable expenditures是什么意思 reimbursable expenditures的中文翻译、读音

reimbursable expenditures的中文解释是"可收回支出",还经常被翻译为可收回支出,发音音标为[reimbursableexpenditures],reimbursable expenditures来源于英语,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到18个与reimbursable expenditures相关的句子。

Reimbursable expenditures的词典翻译


例句:Eighty percent of Americans have chronic disease, or 80 percent of age greater than 65 have two or more chronic disease, 140 million Americans have one or more chronic disease, and 80 percent of our 1.5, whatever, trillion expenditures are related to chronic disease. (80%的美国人都患有慢性疾病 高于xx岁的美国人中 80%以上患有两种或多种慢性疾病 1.4亿美国人 有一种或多种慢性疾病 我们的1.5万亿医疗开销中 80%与慢性疾病有关 )


reimbursable expenditures一般作为名词使用,如在reimbursable(a. 可补偿的;可收回的)、expenditures(n. 花费( expenditure的复数形式 ); 使用; (尤指金钱的)支出额; (精力、时间、材料等的)耗费)、reimbursable expenditure([法] 可收回支出, 可报销的开支)等常见短语中出现较多。

reimbursablea. 可补偿的;可收回的
expendituresn. 花费( expenditure的复数形式 ); 使用; (尤指金钱的)支出额; (精力、时间、材料等的)耗费
reimbursable expenditure[法] 可收回支出, 可报销的开支
reimbursable expenses补偿费;工程补偿费
reimbursable financing可偿还的资助
reimbursable loan可收回的贷款
reimbursable service可收回的事务费,可收回费用的事务
un reimbursable不能回收的
discretionary expenditures自由支出


1. And, as the CMS actuary points out, the ACA will increase national health care expenditures. (翻译:正如CMS保险统计专家指出的那样,ACA将增加国民卫生保健开支。)

2. I see no large upcoming expenditures unless they develop an affordable technology to fuse my skeleton with adamantium like Wolverine. (翻译:我看不会有什么大的开销 除非发明了负担得起的科技 可以让我的骨骼坚硬 像金刚狼一样)

3. During the few years of peace which followed, there was no substantial reduction in Spanish governmental expenditures. (翻译:在以后几年的和平时期,西班牙政府的开支没有实质性减少。)

4. We are reviewing all of our defense expenditures... and all the black books are being opened. (翻译:国防支出正在接受重新审查 所有灰色支出都将公布于众)

5. These two expenditures were not incurred in the same year. (翻译:这两笔开支不在一个年份。)

6. Foolish expenditures bankrupted him. (翻译:胡乱花费使他破产。)

7. ExxonMobil didn't write a billion-dollar check in one election, but the fossil fuel industries combined contributed $150 million to the 2012 election, and Common Cause tracked lobbying expenditures-- (翻译:埃克森美孚 没有写一个十亿检查。化石燃料行业投资 1.5亿xx年的选举。游说费用 在这里显示出来。)

8. Tax expenditures are the revenues forgone due to preferential tax treatment . (翻译:税收支出是由于税收优惠待遇而放弃的收入。)

9. as the number one market for luxury brands -- that's not including the Chinese expenditures in Europe and elsewhere. (翻译:成为奢侈品品牌 最大的市场-- 这还不包括中国人在欧洲或者其他地方 的消费)

10. There are instances in which they too must compete with another industrial Goliath, and then their weapons may include large expenditures for innovation. (翻译:在某些情况下,它们也必须与另一个工业巨头竞争,而它们的武器可能包括在创新方面的大笔支出。)

11. The change cut their expenditures in half, but the new living arrangement proved too challenging. (翻译:这一变化使他们的开支减少了一半,但新的生活安排太具有挑战性了。)

12. Instead, semiconductor firms simply squeezed more patents out of existing research and development expenditures. (翻译:相反,半导体公司只是从现有的研发支出中榨取更多的专利。)

13. Then we'll minimize ourfront-end expenditures by outsourcing to a flex manufacturer in China. (翻译:这样我们就能从中国生产商外购 从而最小化整个过程的支出)

14. There are administrative fees... infrastructure expenditures, and several extra costs. (翻译:有行政事业性收费... 基础设施支出, 和几个额外的费用。)

15. The US central bank said the pace of economic activity had "slowed markedly, owing importantly to a decline in consumer expenditures" . (翻译:美联储表示,经济活动步伐“显著放缓,这在很大程度上是由于消费者支出下降”。)

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