migratory glossitis是什么意思 migratory glossitis的中文翻译、读音、例句

migratory glossitis是什么意思 migratory glossitis的中文翻译、读音、例句

migratory glossitis的中文解释是"游走性舌炎",在英美地区还有"游走性舌炎"的意思,在线发音:[migratoryglossitis],migratory glossitis常被用作名词,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到41个与migratory glossitis相关的例句。

Migratory glossitis的词典翻译


例句:The epipharynx of the oriental migratory locust is divided into central area, peripheral within the area, peripheral area and marginal area. (东亚飞蝗的内唇分为中央区、外围内区、外围区和边围区。)


migratory glossitis一般作为名词使用,如在glossitis(舌炎 )、migratory(迁移的 )、dissecting glossitis(裂沟性舌炎)等常见短语中出现较多。

dissecting glossitis裂沟性舌炎
glossitis pellagra糙皮病舌炎
Hunter glossitis萎缩性舌炎
Moeller glossitis默勒舌炎
monilial glossitis念珠菌性舌炎
serpiginous glossitis移行性舌炎
mass migratory大群迁移


1. Seasonal changes and interspecific correlation among the migratory waterbird communities in Tianjin (翻译:天津地区迁徙水鸟群落的季节动态及种间相关性分析)

2. Baerwald suggests that energy companies shut off turbines in slower winds when bats are most active, especially during their autumn migratory season. (翻译:贝尔沃德提出建议:风力较弱的时候也就是蝙蝠最为活跃的时候,特别是蝙蝠在秋季迁徙的时候,发电公司应该关闭涡轮机。)

3. This conclusion contradicts the conventional view, which postulates just one migratory wave out of Asia. (翻译:这结果与传统的观点相冲突,传统认为只有一波移民从亚洲出发。)

4. A lack of vitamin B2 can cause red lips, stomatitis, inflammation lips, angular cheilitis, glossitis; (翻译:维生素B2缺乏会引起嘴唇发红、口腔炎、口唇炎、口角炎、舌炎;)

5. Kristyn, every time you find migratory fowl on a body of water doesn't mean you have.... (翻译:克莉斯汀,每次你发现候鸟在水上... 并不意味着你发现了...)

6. Larynxis, glossitis Et maxlaryngitis (翻译:拉里西斯 格罗西蒂斯 埃马克斯 拉里吉蒂斯)

7. A little bird dropped from the sky into a farm as it's chilled to the bone due to the severe cold weather on its migratory way to the South. (翻译:一只小鸟正飞往南方过冬的途中。天气太冷了,小鸟冻僵了,从天上掉下来,跌在一大片农田里。)

8. Just 70 miles downstream is the world's largest freshwater delta, the Peace-Athabasca Delta, the only one at the juncture of all four migratory flyways. (翻译:河流下游70英哩处 是世上最大的淡水三角洲 和平-阿萨帕斯卡尔三角洲 它是四条候鸟迁徙路线唯一交会点 )

9. On the basis of Chinese practice, the article discusses the social drive force of floating population migration from the factor of immigratory place, migratory place, region, medium and individual. (翻译:作者结合中国的实际情况,从流出地、流入地、区域综合、介质、个体等因素角度,探讨了流动人口产生的社会驱动力; )

10. Migratory waterbirds, from bar-headed geese to ruddy shelducks, crowd into Kaziranga wetlands over the winter with spot-billed pelicans and black-necked storks. (翻译:一些迁徙的水鸟,如斑头雁和红麻鸭,会涌进卡兹兰加的湿地,与这里的斑嘴鹈鹕和黑颈鹤等常驻鸟类一起度过整个冬季; )

11. All the signs were restricted to glossitis. (翻译:所有的体征都没有超出舌炎的范围。)

12. To conserve energy, migratory birds prefer tailwinds, and are willing to wait for good weather. (翻译:为了节省能量,迁徙的鸟选择顺风飞行,它们就停下来等待好天气。)

13. The flamingo's ceaseless journeys among the many lakes of the Rift Valley are nomadic rather than migratory. (翻译:众多的红鹤在大裂谷的湖泊之间不懈的迁移 它们是游牧者,并不是真正的候鸟)

14. Conscious that recent outbreaks in Turkey, Croatia and Romania more strongly suggest that migratory birds play a role in the transmission of HPAI along flyways; (翻译:有意识的那个最近的爆发在土耳其,克罗埃西亚和罗马尼亚更强烈建议迁移的鸟沿着候鸟迁栖所经的路径在 HPAI 的传输中扮演一个角色; )

15. Conservation of these important sites is vital for the long-term survival of these migratory birds. (翻译:保育这些重要的湿地,可以长远保护这些迁徙鸟类。)

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