relative amplitude preservation是什么意思 relative amplitude preserva

relative amplitude preservation是什么意思 relative amplitude preserva

relative amplitude preservation通常被翻译为"相对振幅保存"的意思,在英美地区还有"相对振幅保存"的意思,发音是[relativeamplitudepreservation],relative amplitude preservation在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到62个与relative amplitude preservation相关的例句。

Relative amplitude preservation的中文翻译


例句:Here, crew safety and kit preservation are the watchwords. (在这里,船员安全和装备的维护是常用口令。)


relative amplitude preservation一般作为名词使用,如在relative amplitude(相对振幅)、reflection amplitude preservation(反射振幅保存)、relative amplitude preserve(相对振幅保持)等常见短语中出现较多。

relative amplitude相对振幅
reflection amplitude preservation反射振幅保存
relative amplitude preserve相对振幅保持
preservation by冷[却]海水保鲜
preservation of保存…
digital preservation数位保存
dry preservation法保养


1. The relative molecular weight is 852 by using viscometry, its relative density is 1. (翻译:采用黏度法测定膦基聚马来酸的相对分子质量为852、相对密度为1。)

2. By their comprehensiveness and amplitude these picture fille the imagination. (翻译:这些照片以其综合性和丰富而充满了想像力。)

3. The paintings were in an excellent state of preservation. (翻译:这些绘画保存得非常好。)

4. There is diffuse decreased attenuation of the cerebral cortex with a relative preservation of density in the thalami, brainstem, and cerebellum. (翻译:主要表现为脑皮质密度弥漫性减低,而脑干、丘脑、小脑半球密度保持相对不变。)

5. Systematically provide a Preservation/maintenance Docket (翻译:系统地提供一份保存/维护摘要 )

6. With the largest eyes of any mammal relative to body size. (翻译:with the largest eyes of any mammal relative to body size, 却拥有哺乳动物中相对于体型最大的双眼)

7. This depends on the preservation of the material in the safe-deposit box. (翻译:将在遥远的未来出现 这一切都将取决于 保险箱中的物质的储存状态)

8. - It's being restored by the Society for the Preservation of Scottish Monuments. (翻译:-苏格兰古建筑 保护协会正在对城堡进行修缮)

9. You know, your self-preservation instinct seems non-existent. (翻译:your self -preservation instinct seems non -existent.)

10. They live with an old relative called Mrs Bird. (翻译:他们和他们一位年迈的亲戚伯德太太住在一起 They live with an old relative called Mrs Bird.)

11. And it's probably surprising to many of you sitting in this room that it's not the time that matters, it's not the length of preservation, it's the consistency of the temperature of that preservation that matters most. (翻译:对这里的大多数人来说,这可能有些不可思议 因为时间不是关键 保存时间的长度也不是关键 关键是保存温度的稳定性 )

12. Katherine Winterborn is an ogre of gargantuan amplitude. (翻译:Katherine Winterborn是只超级怪物)

13. TACAN beacon transmits pulse amplitude modulation signals in all direction, including bearing and distance information relative to the beacon. (翻译:塔康信标台全向发射脉冲幅度调制信号,隐含空中目标相对于信标台的方位和距离信息。)

14. Orle or tressure -preservation or protection. (翻译:财物、金银-维持者或保护者。)

15. The star was a high-amplitude pulsator until right before the observing run started, when it mysteriously became a small-amplitude pulsator. (翻译:直到观察之前该恒星还是一个高振幅震动器,接着它就谜一般地变成了小振幅震动器。)

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