rennet casein是什么意思 rennet casein的中文翻译、读音、例句

rennet casein是什么意思 rennet casein的中文翻译、读音、例句

rennet casein通常被翻译为"化、酶凝酪素"的意思,还经常被翻译为皱胃酪蛋白,发音音标为[rennetcasein],rennet casein在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到36个与rennet casein相关的句子。

Rennet casein的词典翻译


例句:This article has reviewed the formation and composition of milk protein pellicles, including casein, whey protein, minerals and proteose-peptones. (下面就牛奶蛋白膜的主要成分酪蛋白、乳清蛋白、矿物质和月示蛋白胨及其作用机制作一综述。)


例句:But where carmine is probably good for you, I don't think casein is. (但是,在胭脂可能是对你有好处,我不认为是酪蛋白。)


例句:Rennet is a crude preparation containing dried, ground linigs of the calf stomach. (凝乳酵素是粗品,含有干燥表面的小牛胃壁。)


rennet casein一般作为名词使用,如在rennet casein whey(酶 凝酪蛋白乳清)、casein(酪蛋白 )、rennet(凝乳酶 )等常见短语中出现较多。

rennet casein whey酶 凝酪蛋白乳清
gluten casein[医] 谷胶酪蛋白
halogenated casein卤代干酪素
iodinated casein碘化酪蛋白
lactic casein[机] 乳酪素
plant casein【生物化学】燕麦蛋白,植物酪蛋白(=avenin)
runnet casein皱胃酪蛋白


1. Rennet is a crude preparation containing dried, ground linigs of the calf stomach. (翻译:凝乳酵素是粗品,含有干燥表面的小牛胃壁。)

2. But where carmine is probably good for you, I don't think casein is. (翻译:但是,在胭脂可能是对你有好处,我不认为是酪蛋白。)

3. The casein is extracted from dried milk powder and then heated up in a type of meat-mincing machine with other natural in GREdients. (翻译:酪蛋白从干奶粉中提取出,在一种类似于绞肉机的机器中和其他几种天然成分一起加热。)

4. This strain hydrolyzes casein, and peptonizes litmus milk and turns it into alkaline. (翻译:水解干酪素、胨化石蕊牛奶最后变碱。)

5. Does not contain wheat, soy, gluten, milk, casein, sodium caseinate, egg, artificial coloring, artificial flavoring or preservatives. (翻译:不含小麦,大豆,面筋,牛奶,酪蛋白,酪蛋白酸钠,鸡蛋,人工色素,人工香料或防腐剂。)

6. Does not contain wheat, soy, gluten, milk, casein, sodium caseinate, egg, artificial coloring, artificial flavoring or preservatives. (翻译:不含小麦,大豆,面筋,牛奶,酪蛋白,酪蛋白酸钠,鸡蛋,人工色素,人工香料或防腐剂。)

7. Moreover, the applications of them in producing of pow-der grease, turbidity agent, casein succedaneum and food preservation are introduced. (翻译:并对其在粉末油脂的生产、浑浊剂、酪蛋白替代品和食品保鲜等方面的应用进行了介绍。)

8. All animal, bird, fish or egg derived protein plays a role in the formation and promotion of cancer, but the most potent so far is casein. (翻译:所有动物、家禽、鱼或蛋类来源的蛋白都在癌症的形成和扩散过程中起一定作用,其中,酪蛋白起的作用最为重要。)

9. Records from nearby civilizations in Turkey also reference rennet. (翻译:附近土耳其文明的记录中 也提到凝乳酶。)

10. RK 1502 may make tackiness when it is used solely. It can be used by combined with cationic casein or cationic auxiliaries. (翻译:单独使用时,发粘,加入阳离子酪素或阳离子助剂配合使用。)

11. Joe: Elizabeth Rennet in Pride and Prejudice. She was too proud. (翻译:乔:《傲慢与偏见》中的伊丽莎白·贝纳特。她太骄傲了。)

12. The antioxidative effects of hydrolysates from casein and soy proteins were higher than the hydrolysates from chlorella protein. (翻译:酪蛋白及大豆蛋白水解物的抗氧化能力大于绿藻蛋白。)

13. A Novel Exponential Kinetic Model for Casein Tryptic Hydrolysis to Prepare Active Peptides (翻译:胰蛋白酶水解酪蛋白制备活性多肽的指数形式动力学新模型)

14. Granted, at least Galaxy Nutritional Foods explains what casein is in their ingredients list. (翻译:当然,至少银河营养食品解释酪蛋白是在其配料清单。)

15. At just the right moment you add rennet, which congeals the curds . (翻译:然后在正确的时间加入凝乳酵素来凝结酸化的牛乳。)

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