replica technique是什么意思 replica technique的中文翻译、读音、例句

replica technique是什么意思 replica technique的中文翻译、读音、例句

replica technique通常被翻译为"复型技术"的意思,其次还有"复型技术"的意思,单词读音音标为[replicatechnique],replica technique来源于英语,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到44个与replica technique相关的例句。

Replica technique的词典翻译


例句:Your technique ... is ... magnificent! (你切了我的脖子听那种 声音太糟了 切断脖子)


replica technique一般作为名词使用,如在replica(复制品 )、double replica(二次复型)、extraction replica(提取复型)等常见短语中出现较多。

double replica二次复型
extraction replica提取复型
filmy replica薄膜复制品
latex replica乳胶复型
negative replica复制阴模
oxide replica[网络] 氧化物复型
partial replica部分复制
plastic replicaun. 塑料复型


1. SetReplID [datetime] sets the database replica ID. (翻译:SetReplID [datetime]设置数据库副本id。)

2. # Discomboomerated technique in your scheme # (翻译:Discomboomerated技术 在你的计划)

3. # Only you have that magic technique (翻译:∮ Only you have that magic technique)

4. An artist sculpted a full-size replica of her head. (翻译:一位艺术家雕塑了一尊她头部的全幅头像。)

5. Aprilia Black, Red Fluo, Replica Spain's N. 1 (翻译:艾普瑞利亚黑色,红色荧光,复制西班牙N.1。)

6. Critics said it was the most effective use of live and animation technique ever put on film. (翻译:Critics said it was the most effective use of live and animation technique... 影评界称赞这是迄今真人和动画合成技术 ...ever put on film.)

7. And the set was based as an exact replica on the blueprints of the ship. (翻译:而摄影棚中的道具就是依照这个船的设计图 所制造出来的一个真实模型。)

8. # Only you have that magic technique # (翻译:# Only you have that magic technique #)

9. On more aggressive interrogation technique (翻译:采取更严酷的审讯手段 on more aggressive interrogation technique --)

10. They'll then put a replica into the Royal Scepter and replace it in the Tower. (翻译:然后他们会把一颗赝品放进权杖 并重新放入伦敦塔)

11. No, but there's a similar castle down three miles from here that has a replica. (翻译:不是, 但是从这往下三英里有一个和它 很相似的城堡倒有复制品)

12. What, swap Linda's bracelet for Seedy Bob's replica? (翻译:什么意思, 把Linda的手镯和贱人Bob做的假镯子对调?)

13. Mr. Isaac, bad news. Sword not there. It was replica. (翻译:艾席克先生,坏消息 剑不在那里,是复制品)

14. This time, suppose you define one replica shard. (翻译:这一次,假设您定义一个复制碎片。)

15. No one learns that much technique in a day. (翻译:没人能在一天学会这么多技巧 No one learns that much technique in a day.)

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