representation algebra是什么意思 representation algebra的中文翻译、读音、例句

representation algebra是什么意思 representation algebra的中文翻译、读音、例句

representation algebra在英语中代表"表现代数"的意思,在日常中也代表"表现代数"的意思,发音是[representationalgebra],representation algebra是一个英语名词,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到69个与representation algebra相关的句子。

Representation algebra的词典翻译


例句:Got an algebra test tomorrow, dad. (-把比赛看完再写 -明天有代数考试 爸爸)


representation algebra一般作为名词使用,如在representation of algebra(代数表现)、impure representation algebra(不纯的表示代数)、least representation algebra(最小表示代数)等常见短语中出现较多。

representation of algebra代数表现
impure representation algebra不纯的表示代数
least representation algebra最小表示代数
pure representation algebra纯表现代数
representation of[网络] 算法的表示;二进制表示的负整数
the representation表征
revolved representation representation回转图示法
difference algebra差代数


1. However, the response in the face representation disappeared and it was confined to foot representation of SI when the PSM was blocked by mechanical pressure. (翻译:当以机械压迫阻滞感传,皮层体觉诱发电位地形图上只在下肢代表区出现一个反应,面部代表区的反应消失。)

2. Algebra, geometry, physics, chem, bio, history, English, geography. (翻译:代数 几何 物理 化学 生物 历史 英语 地理)

3. Further down, you start getting into algebra one, algebra two, a little bit of precalculus. (翻译:继续,就开始了代数一,代数二的学习, 会涉及一点学微积分前必修的课程。)

4. - We get many requests for representation. - I'm sure you do... (翻译:我们有上万个诉讼请求需要受理 {\3cH202020}We get many requests for representation.)

5. Regarding your representation of the Indonesian government. (翻译:根据印度尼西亚政府 Regarding your representation 的陈诉 of the Indonesian government.)

6. Would any of you complain if this was the case about doing linear algebra? (翻译:如果把这些时间都用在做线性代数的题目上了, 你们还会有抱怨吗? )

7. For these Algebra 2 students, that was terrible. (翻译:这对于上代数2的学生来说 是极其糟糕的。)

8. Lie algebras of derivations of n-differential operator algebra. (翻译:元微分算子代数的导子李代数结构。)

9. Sole meuniere, Latin and Greek, algebra---you can teach it! (翻译:煎鳎鱼,拉丁语和希腊语,代数——你都能教!)

10. So imagine your kid's algebra textbook in seventh grade. (翻译:那么可以想像,你的孩子的代数教科书,比如xx年级的代数书, )

11. The paradox of objectless representations is made up of two propositions:"Each representation represents an object" ― "Each representation does not correspond to an object". (翻译:无对象表象悖论由两个对立的命题构成:“每个表象都表象一个对象”——“并非每个表象都有对象”。)

12. The mathematics curriculum that we have is based on a foundation of arithmetic and algebra. (翻译:我们的数学课程 是以代数和几何作为根基的。)

13. And this pile of vomit on the floor is a representation of my feelings. (翻译:而这一堆呕吐物在地板上 是对我的感情的表示。)

14. This is not the proportional representation of Lib Dem dreams. (翻译:这不是自民党期待的比例代表制。)

15. Cyclotomic Base on Algebra Neural Networks of Tests Polynomials and Learning Algorithms (翻译:基于代数神经网络的分圆多项式判定及学习算法)

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