reserve preference是什么意思 reserve preference的中文翻译、读音、例句

reserve preference是什么意思 reserve preference的中文翻译、读音、例句

reserve preference的意思是"反优惠问题",还有反优惠问题的意思,在线发音:[reservepreference],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到32个与reserve preference相关的句子。

Reserve preference的翻译


例句:Preference will be given to minority companies for a portion of these contracts. (少数民族经营的公司... 有权占有一部分合约的配额)


reserve preference一般作为名词使用,如在preference(偏爱 )、for preference(供选择,喜欢,首先,最好)、in preference of(胜于;优先于)等常见短语中出现较多。

for preference供选择,喜欢,首先,最好
in preference of胜于;优先于
in preference to优先于...
preference for偏爱…
preference to[网络] 优先;宁愿…而不
in reserve备用, 预备
on reserve给某人保留,不出借
reserve for替…保留,留作…之用


1. Or was this preference simply driven by what others around you valued? (翻译:或者这种偏好仅仅是 因为旁人的观点对你的影响? )

2. She arrived at our reserve from a reserve east of us on her migratory route. (翻译:是从我们这个保护区的东边 另一个在她迁徙路径上的保护区来的 )

3. Daniel Sousa, Strategic Scientific Reserve. (翻译:我是丹尼尔·索萨 战略科研署的 Daniel Sousa, Strategic Scientific Reserve.)

4. And there is a growing preference for living and working in air-conditioned places. (翻译:而且有越来越多的人喜欢 在空调间生活和工作。)

5. One of the stumbling blocks in the Doha round, for example, was "preference erosion". (翻译:举个例子,阻碍多哈会议进程的一个绊脚石就是“优惠侵蚀”。)

6. The ECIWO Theory Has a Theoretic Preference in the Clone Research of Mammalia (翻译:全息胚学说在哺乳动物克隆研究领域具有理论优先权)

7. Yola was a reserve player. (翻译:约拉是一个预备队员。)

8. And there is a growing preference for living and working in air-conditioned places. (翻译:而且有越来越多的人喜欢 在空调间生活和工作。)

9. My response is strictly limited, regardless of my personal preference. (翻译:不管我的个人喜好 我的职责是受严格规定的)

10. Huge abundance of groupers inside the reserve, and the closer you get to the reserve, the more fish you have. (翻译:保护区内有非常多的石斑鱼 而且越接近保护区 鱼越多)

11. So much of this is justified in terms of human preference, where we've got these algorithms that do an amazing job of optimizing for human preference, but which preference? (翻译:从人类偏好来看, 这些东西是可以合理化的, 我们有这些极其棒的算法 为人类的偏好优化上做着贡献, 但是,是什么偏好呢? )

12. Preference will be given to graduates of this university. (翻译:这所大学的毕业生会获得优先考虑。)

13. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment. (翻译:如果没有证据,不妄下定论 If you have no evidence, reserve judgment.)

14. Just a personal preference, nothing against KDE. (翻译:这只是我的个人喜好,没有看不起KDE的意思。)

15. Objective To probe the therapy of anorexia and food preference in chidren. (翻译:目的探讨儿童厌食偏食的治疗方法。)

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