restables是什么意思 restables的中文翻译、读音、例句

restables是什么意思 restables的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:The stables are over there to the right. (马厩就在右边。)


例句:They completely re-rearrange this. (他们从头重放了一次 They completely re -rearrange this.)


1. He owns a string of racing stables. (翻译:他有好多个赛马训练场。)

2. Is there particular urgency to find them? (翻译:找它们有急用吗 Y a une urgence particulière à les retrouver?)

3. Wait, so I'm here, you're here, stables, and then something on the other side? (翻译:等等,所以我在这里,你在这里, 马厩, 然后事情的另一面?)

4. - I don't want to know any more. (翻译:-你弟弟... -不 - Ton frère...)

5. So Ti La So Fa Mi, La, La, La Mi Re. (翻译:So Ti La So Fa Mi, La, La, La Mi Re.)

6. Re-engage autopilot switches. (翻译:重新按自动驾驶开关 Re -engage autopilot switches.)

7. How I almost got arrested for breaking into the Central Park stables. (翻译:我曾经因为闯入 How I almost got arrested 中央公园的马厩 差点被捕 for breaking into the Central Park stables.)

8. seemsunrealthepower re-embrace again. (翻译:看上去不象是真的电力 re -embrace / i -)

9. Your re-design, your big re-brand, that was AIM, right? (翻译:-design, your big re -brand, that was AIM, right?)

10. The property rates are very high... (翻译:房产税很高的 The property rates re very high.)

11. In continuous action against the plight of education (翻译:托马斯 你给莫里哀写信呢 Thomas, tu écris à Molière?)

12. Your father will kill you. (翻译:你爸会杀了你的 Ton père va te tuer.)

13. How to clean the Augean stables of this city remains a critical problem. (翻译:如何扫除这个城市的积弊仍然是个紧要问题。)

14. Ti Re Mi Re Ti La Ti Re Fa Fa La Ti Do. (翻译:Ti Re Mi Re Ti La Ti Re Fa Fa La Ti Do.)

15. I brought a 2005 Chateau de la Vere. (翻译:我带了xx年的Chateau de la Vère)

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