reticular system是什么意思 reticular system的中文翻译、读音、例句

reticular system是什么意思 reticular system的中文翻译、读音、例句

reticular system在英语中代表"网状内皮系统"的意思,还经常被翻译为网状内皮系统,读音为[reticularsystem],reticular system常被用作名词,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到84个与reticular system相关的例句。

Reticular system的词典翻译


例句:[ indistinct conversations ] (- of the security system? - Yeah, I think so.)


reticular system一般作为名词使用,如在reticular(网状的 )、reticular acropigmentation(肢端网状色素沉着)、reticular alba([医] 白网状质)等常见短语中出现较多。

reticular acropigmentation肢端网状色素沉着
reticular alba[医] 白网状质
reticular apparatus[医] 网状器
reticular cell网状(组织)细胞,网织细胞
reticular cells[医] 网状细胞
reticular colliquation网状组织溶解
reticular degeneration[医] 网状变性(表皮或角膜上皮)
reticular density网眼密度;标线密度;点阵密度
reticular dysgenesis网状组织发育不全


1. Study on reticular framework around the high endothelial venulae in rats'lymph nodes (翻译:大鼠肠系膜淋巴结内高内皮微静脉周围网状支架的研究)

2. We got into Canberra air traffic controllers, definite unusual activity there. (翻译:不寻常活动? Unusual activity? 他们黑进飞行计划系统 They hacked in through the flight planning system)

3. The issue is the Brunhilde System, then? (翻译:龙宫岛上的防卫总控系统名字来 源于北欧神话中女武神 布伦希尔德·瓦尔基里)

4. possible terrorist chatter. (翻译:National Terrorism Advisory System 全国恐怖主义警报系统】 NTAS just issued an alert:)

5. I'm gonna split you open from groin to gullet. (翻译:我打开要去分裂 从腹股沟到消化系统Digestive System食道。)

6. But, you know, you and Don... (翻译:- How would we ever build up that part of our immune system?)

7. The Ultrastructure of Synaptic Compound Body of the Megacell Reticular Nucleus of the Medulla Oblongata in the Rabbit (翻译:家兔延髓巨细胞网状核内突触复合体的超微结构)

8. - All right if we take a look around? (翻译:very impressive security system. 我们能到处看看吗? All right if we take a look around?)

9. A fine but irregular reticular pattern is present in the lung periphery, representing intralobular interstitial thickening. (翻译:肺外带可见明显的不规则网状影,提示小叶间质增厚。)

10. In the past, there was no alternate way by which you could trap the System. exit or JVM exit after customization and the bind process. (翻译:过去,没有替代方法可用来捕获定制和绑定过程结束后的System.exit或JVMexit。)

11. Comparative Study on the Operational Characteristics of the DVM System and the Frequency Conversion System in Summer (翻译:数码涡旋与变频多联式空调系统夏季运行特性的比较)

12. PRBT Business System as the core of the PRBT platform, includes two parts: PRBT Call Processing System and PRBT Auxiliary System. (翻译:彩铃业务系统作为整个彩铃平台的核心,主要包括两个部分:彩铃呼叫处理系统和彩铃业务辅助系统。)

13. Production Logistics System; Purchasing Management; Saling Logistics System; System Performance Evaluation; (翻译:生产物流系统;采购物流;销售物流;系统绩效评价;)

14. The Internal Blacklist System will be developed and maintained as part of the DEDUPE module of Bank CAS System. (翻译:内部黑名单作为银行CAS系统中DEDUPE模块中的一部分被开发和维护。)

15. Because, in fact, there were two movements. (翻译:and an economic system. 因为,事实上,有两个运动。Because, in fact, there were two movements.)

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