revealing是什么意思 revealing的中文翻译、读音、例句

revealing是什么意思 revealing的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义:revealing是指揭露、揭示真相、暴露某个秘密或隐藏的内容,通常用于形容一些重大事件、丑闻、举报声明等等。

2. 用法:revealing一般作为形容词用,与其他形容词一样可以修饰名词或代词,用于描述事物或行为特点。其在语言表达中,常常出现在新闻报道、政治演说、学术论文等场合。

3. 意义:revealing往往带有强烈的负面色彩,因为它通常指的是某个不利的真实情况,或者是一些被隐藏的事实和信息,以及暴露出的个人隐私,因此在使用时需要特别注意。


1. This documentary film is revealing the hidden truth behind the political corruption of the government. (这部纪录片揭示了政府腐败背后的真相。)

2. The journalist wrote an article revealing the sexual harassment allegations against a famous actor. (这名记者撰写了一篇文章,揭示了一个著名演员被控性骚扰的指控。)

3. The leaked email revealing the company's unethical business practices caused a public outcry. (泄露的电子邮件揭示了该公司的不道德商业行为,引起了公众的强烈反响。)

4. The revealing photos of the celebrity went viral on social media, causing a huge scandal. (这位名人的一些露骨照片在社交媒体上迅速走红,引发了一场巨大的丑闻。)

5. The scientist's research findings were revealing the serious consequences of climate change. (这位科学家的研究发现揭示了气候变化的严重后果。)





1. Her revealing remarks about the company's financial situation caused a great deal of concern.


2. The book provides a revealing insight into the author's personal life.


3. The revealing dress she wore to the party left little to the imagination.





例句:Thank you for coming here to TED and revealing so much of yourself. (谢谢你来参加TED大会, 让我们更加了解你。)


例句:She was dismissed for revealing trade secrets. (她因泄露商业机密被解雇。)


例句:Just as revealing are Mr. Johnson's portraits, of which there are dozens. (透过约翰逊先生的许多肖像画,同样也可以了解其人。)


例句:When files were deleted, he found metadata revealing hidden tests. (翻译:当有文件被删除时, 他找到了元数据, 发现了隐藏起来的测试数据。)


revealing一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在revealing agent(显色剂)、self revealing(adj. 无意中流露的\n[网络] 自我揭露)等常见短语中出现较多。

revealing agent显色剂
self revealingadj. 无意中流露的\n[网络] 自我揭露


1. Just as revealing are Mr. Johnson's portraits, of which there are dozens. (翻译:透过约翰逊先生的许多肖像画,同样也可以了解其人。)

2. When files were deleted, he found metadata revealing hidden tests. (翻译:当有文件被删除时, 他找到了元数据, 发现了隐藏起来的测试数据。)

3. But would you have him ruin his life forever by revealing our plight to him? (翻译:你想要告诉他我们的窘境 来毁了他的生活吗?)

4. Now explorers are revealing other worlds that lie hidden beneath the ice on land. (翻译:现在探索者开始探索另一个世界 它就在藏在冰雪下面的陆地之上)

5. But there's one question that always seems to me to be most revealing, and that is: What did you take? (翻译:但有一个问题 总是给我启示 那就是, 你带走了什么? )

6. NARRATOR: Nevertheless, the Times decided to publish the story, revealing the existence of "The Program." (翻译:不过,纽约时报跑了透露该计划的存在的文章是)

7. It's a little revealing, or not? (翻译:这个衣服有点透,你觉得呢? 她已经xx岁了)

8. Sometimes revealing private matters in an indiscreet manner can result in disastrous consequences. (翻译:有时,轻率地泄露隐私会导致灾难性的后果。)

9. Nugent says statistics on the fertility rate were also revealing. (翻译:认为生育率的统计书数也是很有启迪意义的。)

10. Weakening and defeating Betty is the first step to revealing the Council's identity. (翻译:削弱和打败贝蒂 是揭开邪恶帮会 真面目的第一步)

11. Revealing the truth about what you were doing would have required revealing the truth about what I was doing. (翻译:告诉你你在干什么 我就不得不 暴露我自己)

12. Curse that balloon. And curse that revealing southwesterly. (翻译:那个热气球这么顺风,他们很快就能回到屋子里了。)

13. By turns picaresque and ironic, it's a revealing portrait of Norwegian preoccupations and insecurities. (翻译:这部小说以歹徒为题材,利用讽刺手法揭露了挪威社会上的偏见和缺乏安全感。)

14. By turns picaresque and ironic, it's a revealing portrait of Norwegian preoccupations and insecurities. (翻译:这部小说以歹徒为题材,利用讽刺手法揭露了挪威社会上的偏见和缺乏安全感。)

15. These are their signed confessions revealing all of these atrocities. (翻译:医大的被告人朴镇宇等所有被告人 在亲笔自述书里 写下了所有的内容)



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