revelin是什么意思 revelin的中文翻译、读音、例句

revelin是什么意思 revelin的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:Aleta was blind from birth, so she learned to adapt to the darkness and revel in the sounds and smells of the forest. (艾丽塔出生时双目失明,因而她学会了适应黑暗,并沉浸于森林的声音与气息。)


例句:And you know what makes me able to drink my fill and leave someone breathing and not rip my head off like my brother, is that I can revel in it. (你知道我为什么能吸完血后 还让人活著而不像我弟弟那样 撕裂他们的头 那是因为我沉醉于此)


例句:So rich are the waters humpback whales swim nearly 4,000 miles from Hawaii to revel in Alaska's season of abundance. (这个季节里的海域是如此的丰饶 吸引大齿鲸从夏威夷北游将近四千英哩 到阿拉斯加来尽情觅食)


例句:And conjure up a trick which the FA Cup and all its glorious past can revel in. You just lose yourself and don't know what you're doing. And everything... (翻译:进球后我已经忘乎所以 完全不知道在做什么)


1. So rich are the waters humpback whales swim nearly 4,000 miles from Hawaii to revel in Alaska's season of abundance. (翻译:这个季节里的海域是如此的丰饶 吸引大齿鲸从夏威夷北游将近四千英哩 到阿拉斯加来尽情觅食)

2. And conjure up a trick which the FA Cup and all its glorious past can revel in. You just lose yourself and don't know what you're doing. And everything... (翻译:进球后我已经忘乎所以 完全不知道在做什么)

3. We also know our untruths and for this, unlike you, we end up talking about nonsense, about trivial matters, because we don't want to revel in our pettiness. (翻译:我们在场的人都假 但不像你 我们就聊些废话 扯些无关琐事 因为我们不想假模假式还自得其乐)

4. Can we just revel in your fabulous lack of priorities? (翻译:我们能不能先抛开你那些麻烦事? Can we just revel in your fabulous lack of priorities?)

5. Instead of replacing one story with another, we can learn from and revel in the many versions that exist and the many that have yet to be written. (翻译:这并不是要 用另一个故事来取代, 我们可以在翻译过程中学习到新事物 并陶醉于不同的版本里, 甚至陶醉在非原版的意境里)

6. "They delight in deception and revel in lies, spreading depravity" -- (翻译:“他们喜欢欺骗和谎言” “散布堕落”...)

7. And they no longer seem to need the tragicomic Oscar; the young gays of today can revel in the wit and wisdom of Neil Patrick Harris. (翻译:他们貌似也不再需要悲壮又滑稽的奥斯卡了,今天的年轻同志们可以在尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯的聪明才智中陶醉狂欢。)

8. No doubt the murderer's knife was dull and blunt Till it was sharpened on your stone-hard heart to revel in the entrails of my lambs! (翻译:无疑那杀人的屠刀本是钝的 磨尖它的正是你那铁石心肠 才让它刺进我那羊羔的肺腑)

9. Do we Americans revel in a carafe of wine at lunch? (翻译:我们美利坚人会陶醉于午餐时的一杯红酒吗?)

10. It was a situation he seemed to revel in, describing a vivid picture of himself leading a last-man defence of a devastated Whitehall. (翻译:为同事描述一副他自己在被摧毁的白厅领导一场战至最后一人 的防御战的生动画面,似乎是他最着迷于的一种情况)

11. So I don't want to, like, kill these moments of black joy that I too revel in, but I want to make it clear that these wins are too few and far between for a people that's been here for over 400 years. (翻译:我不想压下这 属于黑人的快乐片刻, 因为我也在狂欢中, 想澄清的是, 这还是太少了,且远不够, 因为我们已经在这里 生活了超过四百年, )

12. So tonight let us revel in our nostalgia, and long for thedays when longing was easy. (翻译:所以今晚,让我们为怀念狂欢,去盼望那唾手可得的时光。)

13. So I want you to get out there and I want you to revel in it. (翻译:所以我希望你能洗心革面... 我希望你以后好好做人)

14. Suddenly, high above the jubilant roar and thunder of the revel, broke the clear peal of a bugle-note. (翻译:突然,在欢呼的咆哮声和响亮的狂欢声音之上,响起了大声清脆的号角声。)

15. Instead of replacing one story with another, we can learn from and revel in the many versions that exist and the many that have yet to be written. (翻译:这并不是要 用另一个故事来取代, 我们可以在翻译过程中学习到新事物 并陶醉于不同的版本里, 甚至陶醉在非原版的意境里 )

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