reverse arching是什么意思 reverse arching的中文翻译、读音、例句

reverse arching是什么意思 reverse arching的中文翻译、读音、例句

reverse arching在中文中有"倒拱作用"的意思,还有倒拱作用的意思,在线读音是[reversearching],reverse arching在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到17个与reverse arching相关的例句。

Reverse arching的翻译


例句:branches widely arching to spreading, forming wide hummock at first, later stems more narrowly arching. (枝宽拱到平展的,最初形成宽小丘,晚些时候茎较狭地拱起。)


reverse arching一般作为名词使用,如在arching(弓状结构 拱架 拱作用,形成拱的,成弓形弯曲 成弓形 的 形式)、in reverse(在背面,在反面,反过来)、on the reverse((车)倒开着)等常见短语中出现较多。

arching弓状结构 拱架 拱作用,形成拱的,成弓形弯曲 成弓形 的 形式
in reverse在背面,在反面,反过来
on the reverse(车)倒开着
the reverse[电影]颠倒黑白
direct or reverse向或反向的,正面或反面的
double reverse[体]双反向传球战术
discrimination in reverse逆向种族歧视(因采取过激的反种族歧视措施而无意中造成对白人的歧视)
fake reverse【橄榄球】假反传球(一种进攻的假动作)
fast reverse(磁带)快速倒带,速退


1. This time, the bear fails, but the belugas will keep the scars of the hunter's claws on their arching streamlined backs. (翻译:这次白熊失手了 但白鲸流线型的背上 却留下了猎人的爪痕)

2. But there are ways to mute the impact of reverse vesting. (翻译:但是也有许多办法可以消除反向特别保护权的影响。)

3. This practice is known as reverse redlining. (翻译:这样的做法被认为是逆向歧视。)

4. The yields continue to slow down or reverse. (翻译:产量在继续下降或逆转。)

5. arching her back, or perhaps with the aid of a pillow, the woman can arrange herself... (翻译:把背拱起来,或是垫枕头 女人就能做出...)

6. This mutagen would be able to reverse its effects. (翻译:这一个诱导有机体突变的物质会很聪明 推翻它的效果。)

7. I mean, they just completely reverse-engineered our entire compression engine. (翻译:他们直接逆向编译了 I mean, they just completely reverse -engineered 我们整个压缩引擎 our entire compression engine.)

8. Whatever they did to him, we need to reverse it. (翻译:不管他们对他做了什么 我们要逆转回来 Whatever they did to him, we need to reverse it.)

9. “What is that?” asked the midwife, arching her eyebrow. (翻译:“是什么?” 老接生婆问,拱起眉毛。)

10. Parker, double reverse on three. (翻译:Parker 数三下 拿走然后递给Eliot)

11. The presentation was a riot of equations, mathematical lemmas, arching curves and matrices of numbers. (翻译:报告中参杂着方程序、数学引理、拱形曲线和一系列矩阵。)

12. Jesus! Fred, you're like Reverse Elvis, you know. (翻译:上帝啊,Fred, 你就跟Reverse Elvis一样)

13. Yet we can reverse such influences. (翻译:然而,我们可以扭转这种影响。)

14. - What can I do to reverse this? (翻译:我怎样才能扭转局势? What can I do to reverse this? 什么都不做 首相 不然就尴尬了 Nothing.)

15. We reverse-engineered the compound. (翻译:我们反向分析了药剂成分 We reverse -engineered the compound.)

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