revolving mining是什么意思 revolving mining的中文翻译、读音、例句

revolving mining是什么意思 revolving mining的中文翻译、读音、例句

revolving mining在英语中代表"旋转式推进"的意思,作为名词时有"旋转式推进"的意思,单词读音音标为[revolvingmining],revolving mining来源于英语,在《实用英语词典》中,共找到38个与revolving mining相关的例句。

Revolving mining的释义


例句:One of them was on account of not having enough ammo to back out of a revolving door. (其中一次是没弹药了 堵在一个旋转门后边了)


revolving mining一般作为名词使用,如在revolving(a. 回转的, 旋转的, 旋转式的\n[经] 循环, 周转)、mining(矿业 )、revolving about(围绕)等常见短语中出现较多。

revolvinga. 回转的, 旋转的, 旋转式的\n[经] 循环, 周转
revolving about围绕
revolving antenna旋转天线
revolving arm回转臂
revolving armature[网络] 旋转电枢
revolving aroundv. 旋绕
revolving axle回转轴
revolving back旋转后背


1. There may be millions of possible other earthlike planets revolving in this universe. (翻译:可能有几百万颗象地球一样的行星在这个宇宙中旋转。)

2. A prolate spheroid is generated by revolving an ellipse about its major axis. (翻译:扁长球体是将一个椭圆体依其主轴旋转而成的。)

3. It's always the industry and we know the revolving door policy here in the US. (翻译:它总是工业 而且我们知道这回转的 门在美国的政策。)

4. Cancelled the agreement with Hanna Mining Corporation, a multinational mining company, and signed the rural act. (翻译:取消与汉纳矿业公司,一家跨国矿业公司的协议, Cancelled the agreement with Hanna Mining Corporation, 并签署了农村法案。a muItinational mining company, and signed the rural act.)

5. And we began to test the revolving bail fund model. (翻译:之后我们开始进行 循环保释基金的运作模型测试。)

6. Plutarch noted the Ship of Theseus was an example of the philosophical paradox revolving around the persistence of identity. (翻译:普鲁塔克认为,忒特斯的这艘船, 就是一个哲学悖论的范例。它体现了身份一致性这个难题。)


8. This is the beginning of longwall mining. (翻译:这是长壁开采的开始。)

9. As Houxi Opencast Mine has smaller mining boundary and it is near villages, the safety of mining and controlled blasting are strictly required. (翻译:侯西露天矿开采境界小,距离村庄近,对剥采作业安全性、控制爆破技术有较高的要求。)

10. The Prediction if pumpage from mining wells is very important for mining work. (翻译:矿井涌水量预测对于矿山开采具有重要意义。)

11. Lloyd Rankin was on the board of a fund, receiving Mining Union moneys. (翻译:罗伊德 兰肯是在上面这个基金会接收矿业协会资金的 Lloyd Rankin was on the board of a fund, receiving Mining Union moneys.)

12. Be in charge of mining job, ensure that the mining work comply with lafarge standards in terms of quality and safety. (翻译:负责采矿工作,确保采矿作业在安全和质量方面都符合拉法基的标准。)

13. Didrt we decide not to take a chance on that mining camp? (翻译:- 找吃的 Didrt we decide not to take a chance on that mining camp? 我们不是决定绕过矿工营吗?)

14. The theatre has a revolving stage. (翻译:剧院有一个旋转舞台。)

15. Eike Fuhrken Batista is a Brazilian oil &mining magnate and son of Eliezer Batista, former mining minister of Brazil and former chief executive of prominent multinational mining company Vale. (翻译:阿力克巴蒂斯塔是巴西石油和矿产巨头,他是前巴西矿业部长和卓越的跨国矿业公司瓦勒的前董事长埃利泽巴蒂斯塔的儿子。)

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