rgb是什么意思 rgb的中文翻译、读音、例句

rgb是什么意思 rgb的中文翻译、读音、例句

RGB是英文单词“Red, Green, Blue”的缩写,意为红色、绿色、蓝色。它是一种在数字图像处理领域中广泛使用的颜色表示方法,用于指定电子显示器或计算机屏幕上的颜色。



其中,RGB常常和其它词组搭配使用,例如RGB颜色空间、RGB编码、RGB三原色等。相关短语有RGB灯带、RGB LED等。




读音:/ɑ:r dʒi: bi:/


1. 这幅画使用的是RGB色彩模式。

The painting is created in RGB color mode.

2. 电脑显示器的色彩也是由RGB三种颜色混合而成的。

The color of computer display is also composed of three colors: red, green, and blue in RGB mode.




例句:Specifies whether the device supports colored Gouraud shading in the RGB color model. (指定设备是否支持RGB颜色模型中的彩色Gouraud着色。)


例句:This colorimeter reading is in RGB mode. (该色度计的读数是 RGB 方式。)


例句:Take out the RGB signal from one of the pixels on the LED screen, connect the data to a floor lamp and play with the fluorescent light mode. (将LED显示屏上其中一个像素点的RGB信号取出,将数据连接到落地灯,用日光灯的形式播放。)


例句:The magnetic sensors are deactivated by punching a color code into the RGB keypad. (翻译:RGB键盘上输入正确的颜色组合 才能把磁性探测器关闭)


rgb一般作为名词使用,如在RGB Color(RGB颜色)、RGB colour([网络] 红绿蓝颜色)、RGB display(红-绿-蓝显示)等常见短语中出现较多。

RGB ColorRGB颜色
RGB colour[网络] 红绿蓝颜色
RGB display红-绿-蓝显示
rgb keyRGB钥
rgb modeRGB模
RGB monitor红-绿-蓝监视器
RGB SlidersRGB滑标
rgb videoRGB视讯
dissociate rgb values分离 RGB 值


1. Take out the RGB signal from one of the pixels on the LED screen, connect the data to a floor lamp and play with the fluorescent light mode. (翻译:将LED显示屏上其中一个像素点的RGB信号取出,将数据连接到落地灯,用日光灯的形式播放。)

2. The magnetic sensors are deactivated by punching a color code into the RGB keypad. (翻译:RGB键盘上输入正确的颜色组合 才能把磁性探测器关闭)

3. Here you can determine eg for an own pattern sample the RGB or CMYK values, using this values this can be exactly reproduced by printing it. (翻译:在这里你可以决定自己的价值观,例如一个模式样本的RGB或CMYK,使用此值这正是它可通过印刷复制。)

4. As you know, RGB uses three numbers to describe any color. (翻译:你将看到以十六进制的和以RGB值表示的颜色。)

5. You can specify a color using the color's name, its RGB triplet, or the hex value for the color. (翻译:可以使用颜色的名称、颜色的rgb值或者颜色的十六进制值来指定颜色。)

6. Text color. This member is ignored if the CFE_AUTOCOLOR character effect is specified. To generate a COLORREF, use the RGB macro. (翻译:文字色彩。这个成员被忽略,如果cfe_autocolor性格的影响是指明。以产生colorref,使用的RGB宏观调控。)

7. RGB mode as long as the changes in the general picture, just above had a rotate movements to the bitmap. (翻译:RGB图片凡是只给不停变模式即可,只是在以上举行了回旋扭不停等行动后给不停位图。)

8. You can alter this behavior by editing /etc/kboot.conf — for the purposes of this article series, you'll want to run in one of the RGB modes, either 480i for NTSC users or 576i for PAL/SECAM users. (翻译:对于本系列文章来说,您可以通过编辑 /etc/kboot.conf — 来修改这种行为,您可能会希望在 RGB 模式中运行,对于 NTSC 用户来说是 480i,对于 PAL/SECAM 用户来说是 576i。)

9. One note of interest is that a TGA stores the pixels in BGR mode, i. e. the red and blue components are swapped, relative to RGB. (翻译:这里要提醒的是TGA储存像素的方式是BGR模式,相对于RGB模式,红色和蓝色分量互换了位置。)

10. For full color display, the tricolors, red, green and blue (RGB) light emitting have been investigated intensively. (翻译:绿光、蓝光、红光三基色对于全彩色显示具有重要的意义。)

11. Some have RGB modes, other have BGR modes, etc. (翻译:有些是RGB模式,另一些是BGR模式,等等。)

12. True if the device supports colored Gouraud shading in the RGB color model; otherwise, (翻译:如果设备支持RGB颜色模型中的彩色Gouraud着色,则为,)

13. Another possibility is to explicitly write the RGB values for each screen pixel as a byte-triple to any filehandle. (翻译:另一种可能是将每一屏幕像素的RGB值输出为由三部分组成的字节,并直接写入任何文件句柄。)

14. Additionally it has a screen loupe and a RGB value window. (翻译:它具有一个屏幕放大镜功能和一个RG B值窗口。)

15. The EasyMatching window is a easy to use and an exact tool for RGB colour matches. (翻译:该EasyMatching窗口是一个易于使用和精确的RGB颜色匹配工具。)

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