rhenish prussia是什么意思 rhenish prussia的中文翻译、读音、例句

rhenish prussia是什么意思 rhenish prussia的中文翻译、读音、例句

rhenish prussia的中文解释是"莱茵省",还有莱茵省的意思,发音音标为[rhenishprussia],rhenish prussia常被用作名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到60个与rhenish prussia相关的例句。

Rhenish Prussia的翻译


例句:he was a canon at Frombork and was involved in diplomatic negotiation between the Poles and the TeutonicKnights of Prussia. (他还在弗隆堡当过牧师,并参加了波兰人与普鲁士条顿骑士的外交谈判。)


rhenish prussia一般作为名词使用,如在Rhenish Prussia(莱茵省 (= Rhine Province))、Rhenish(莱茵河的 )、Prussia(普鲁士 )等常见短语中出现较多。

Rhenish Prussia莱茵省 (= Rhine Province)
Rhenish architecture(指莱茵河流域的罗马式建筑)莱茵式建筑
Rhenish brick莱茵式砖
Rhenish Palatinate[网络] Rhenish普法尔茨
East Prussia东普鲁士(德国旧省)
King of Prussia[地名] 普鲁士王村 ( 美 )
prussia blue普鲁士蓝
west prussia西普鲁士(普鲁士的旧省,xx年后成为波兰一部分)


1. The Meiji-era constitution, for instance, was patterned on that of Prussia. (翻译:例如,明治时期的宪法便是对普鲁士宪法的效仿。)

2. As if looking for something he didn't want to find... it became clear as vodka you keep in the icebox... that, whatever the connection between the L.A.P.D. and Adrian Prussia... he might as well have been working for them as a contract killer... doing deeds for them they couldn't do for themselves. (翻译:就好像在找一件自己不愿找到的东西时 事情反而变得像放在冰柜里的伏特加一样澄净清晰 不管洛杉矶警方和艾德里安·普鲁士之间的关系是怎样的)

3. King Frederick the Great of Prussia was the first enthusiast. (翻译:普鲁士的腓特烈大帝 便是第一位土豆爱好者。)

4. For example Albert Forster, Gauleiter of Danzig-West Prussia simply declared all Poles in his area to be Germans. (翻译:比如,阿尔伯特·福斯特,西普鲁士但泽市长轻描淡写地一句话,这一地区的所有波兰人就变成了德国人。)

5. Another fantastic case of creating intangible value to replace actual or material value, which remember, is what, after all, the environmental movement needs to be about: This again is from Prussia, from, I think, about 1812, 1813. (翻译:还有一个讲述创造无形价值来代替物质价值的 极好例子,就是, 终究,环保运动会触及的问题: 这个,同样,还是来自普鲁士,我想,大概1812或xx年左右。)

6. What happens in East Prussia, Hamburg, Bavaria, the Ruhr? (翻译:假设你们胜利了,假设你们夺得了整个柏林 那东普鲁士呢,汉堡呢,巴伐利亚呢,鲁尔地区呢?)

7. East Prussia and the rest of Germany were separated, in 1919, by the Polish Corridor. (翻译:xx年,波兰走廊把东普鲁士和德国其他地方分隔开了。)

8. And Coy's dealer, El Drano... also happened to be Prussia's steady customer. (翻译:然后科伊的卖家厄尔·德拉诺 恰好是普鲁士的老客户)

9. The Neues Museum in Berlin, built in the 19th century, was one of the most important monumental structures of Prussia. (翻译:建于19世纪的柏林博物馆岛新博物馆,是德国普鲁士时期重要的新古典主义建筑代表作。)

10. His conquest of Silesia gave Prussia's fledgling industries access to raw materials. (翻译:他征服了西里西亚,使普鲁士的新兴产业获得原材料。)

11. 1814 - France defeated Russia and Prussia in the Battle of Brienne. (翻译:xx年的今天,法兰西在布瑞尼战役中击溃了俄国和普鲁士。)

12. When Prince Georg Friedrich Ferdinand of Prussia married Princess Sophie of Isenburg it was like their country had stepped back in time. (翻译:德国普鲁士亲王格乔治·弗里德里希·斐迪南与伊森堡公主索菲的婚礼似乎把他们的国家带回了从前的时光。)

13. Marx's wife YanNi. Marx's close brother was Prussia kingdom reactionary government's interior minister. (翻译:马克思的妻子燕妮。马克思的亲哥哥是当时普鲁士国反动政府的内政部长。)

14. Blucher from Prussia and the Duke of Wellington wanted Napoleon stopped. Therefore, they marched their armies to the French border. (翻译:普鲁士的布吕歇尔和威灵顿公爵想阻止拿破仑,于是他们率军来到法国边境。)

15. Alfred Matzerath, born in the Rhineland, was the favorite of all the nurses at the Silberhammer Hospital for his cheerful Rhenish ways. (翻译:他土生土长在莱茵地区 是军医院里深受女护士们 追捧的银厨师 他浑身上下散发着莱茵的浪漫气质)

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