ridazolol是什么意思 ridazolol的中文翻译、读音、例句

ridazolol是什么意思 ridazolol的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:2008, I was still using "LOL" un-ironically and wearing ballet flats. (xx年我还在用网路表情符号 还穿平底鞋呢)


1. Dacey: lol, I hate getting doppel also, but for my timezone is fine. (翻译:哈哈,我也讨厌对抗双面,但是在我的时区联赛还可以。)

2. I'm still tryna calm down LOL everything's just happening so fast what with Khun saying "I love you" and everything. (翻译:我仍然试着要冷静下来~哈哈哈~困说的“我爱你”以及所有话,一切都发生得太迅速了!)

3. Then Susan says "lol, I know," again more guffawing than we're used to when you're talking about these inconveniences. (翻译:然后苏珊说“lol,我知道,” 再一次,真让人“捧腹大笑”。这可不是我们一般遇上这样麻烦事的态度。)

4. Theoretical result coincides fairly well with statistical curves obtained from the long series data from Zo-Se and Huancayo Observatories. (翻译:理论结果与用佘山及洪伽幼地磁台站得到的统计结果是一致的。)

5. Only then will we evolve, as all empires do, into the next phase of a peaceful existence. Sorta like easing into retirement. Lol. (翻译:只有这样我们才能发展,就像所有帝国那样,进入到另一个和平的阶段,就像退休一样。)

6. Why did LOL infiltrate the language? (翻译:LOL为什么能渗入语言之中? )

7. Just ran into a lot of college students studying abroad and they all were White Boy waisted! ! Lol GOOD TIMES! ! I will never forget this! ! (翻译:刚碰见很多大学留学生,他们都是白人男孩,有着细腰!哈哈好时光!我永远不会忘记!)

8. tighty whities? lol i dont remember the last time i saw a white guy in tighty whities lol! (翻译:LOL~我都不记得上一次看到穿着这玩意的白人是在什么时候了!)

9. Maybe it's the mimosa, but I'm gonna give the kid an LOL. (翻译:也许这酒劲大了点 我居然想给他回个大笑脸)

10. LoL yeah we are a small country but it's not so focused on military, more on PEOPLE wellbeing and welfare you know. . . (翻译:哈哈,尽管我们是一个小国,们的注意力并不在军事上,而是更加关注改善人民的社会福利。)

11. Lol, i was there, it was quite fun = i had to rez soooo many ppl. (翻译:哈哈,我昨天在那里的,非常的有意思,我认识了很多的人…)

12. Thankful to God for the opportunity to be a New York Knick! ! Time to find my winter coats from college lol. (翻译:感谢神给我机会恒威纽约克的队员!该把我的大学的雪衣从箱子里找出来了。哈哈。)

13. Zo was experiencing the best years of his career until a life-threatening kidney ailment nearly ended his career and almost his life. (翻译:在莫宁致命的肾脏疾病袭来几乎终结了他的生涯甚至生命之前他正在经历着自己生涯的巅峰期。)

14. China is buying over a billion dollars a year in gold and silver from Nevada too. . . so am I but in much, much smaller quantities, lol! (翻译:中国xx年从内华达采购的金银已过数十亿美元……和中国比我可是小巫见大巫了,呵呵。)

15. Dacey: lol, I hate getting doppel also, but for my timezone is fine. (翻译:哈哈, 我也讨厌对抗双面, 但是在我的时区联赛还可以。)

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