roller gauge是什么意思 roller gauge的中文翻译、读音、例句

roller gauge是什么意思 roller gauge的中文翻译、读音、例句

roller gauge在中文中有"辊子隔距"的意思,其中文解释还有"辊子隔距"的意思,发音音标为[rollergauge],roller gauge来源于英语,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到98个与roller gauge相关的句子。

Roller gauge的释义


例句:The main roller and the auxiliary roller and of a differential design so as to effectively enhance the planeness and evenness of the ironed fabrics. (主辊筒和副辊采用差动设计,有效地提高被熨织物的平整度。)


roller gauge一般作为名词使用,如在roller jewel gauge(圆盘规)、roller measuring gauge(测皮辊机)、gauge(测量仪器)等常见短语中出现较多。

roller jewel gauge圆盘规
roller measuring gauge测皮辊机
on gaugeadj. 标准的(合格的)
differential roller差动轧辊
dirt roller清洁梳辊
drop roller递墨辊
duck roller墨斗辊
ductor roller墨斗辊


1. [ Normal voice ] How can you not look at the gas gauge? (翻译:[正常声音] 你怎么能不看 在瓦斯超限?)

2. It's known as the Eurasian Roller. In India it occurs in the northwest, so it's known as the Kashmir Roller. (翻译:它也叫做欧亚三宝鸟。在印度西北部出现时, 人们叫它克什米尔三宝鸟。)

3. Why do we like roller coasters? (翻译:为什么我们喜欢过山车? )

4. These leave roller marks or stippled marks on the wood. (翻译:这些假商标或骨骺翻滚痕迹木料。)

5. Wages, a good gauge of Labour demand, are growing sluggishly. (翻译:劳动力需求的良好指标——工资增长得相当缓慢。)

6. I need a 14-gauge angiocath stat. (翻译:病人的肺部一塌糊涂 我现在需要一支14号套管针)

7. I haven't found the blond guy, but the Roller's 50 feet away. (翻译:我发现Roller了,他就在我前面20米。)

8. Measuring clearance reduction with a feeler gauge. (翻译:用测隙规测量游隙减小量。)

9. At the end of coating: The primer material with roller roller or trowel Scratch. (翻译:底涂层:将底涂材料用滚筒滚涂或镘刀刮涂。)

10. Greg suggested the following ways to gauge the criticality of the project. (翻译:Greg建议通过以下方法来评估项目度关键度。)

11. To the right is fuel gauge. You watch the fuel gauge. One fifty, okay. (翻译:这是燃料仪表,看好它,150、160没问题)

12. FFM Analysis for Structure Dynamic Response of the Roller Mill (翻译:随机有限元在球磨机结构动力响应求解中的应用)

13. In the end, plans are just a gauge of what went wrong. (翻译:在结束时, 计划只是一个压力表 问题出在哪里。)

14. The Clearance between glue roller and meter roller is controlled by electric mirco-adjustment and digital indication. (翻译:上浆辊与减浆辊之间隙以电动微调,并附数值显示。)

15. Check mirror and gauge indicator and roll to a slow, smooth stop. (翻译:检查玻璃和仪表显示,然后... 缓缓平稳地停下)

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