rompf是什么意思 rompf的中文翻译、读音、例句

rompf是什么意思 rompf的中文翻译、读音、例句





例句:"Johan and Louisa Larsson, F Petersson," (约翰·拉尔森和路易莎·拉尔森夫妇,娘家姓佩特森)


1. For example, take the MD5 hash of "foobar" : 3858f62230ac3c915f300c664312c63f. (翻译:举例来说,利用“foobar”的MD5散列:3858f62230ac3c915f300c664312c63f。)

2. How you see the functional relevance between f and f'...? (翻译:请你告诉我f和f1间的函数关系 How you see the functional relations between f and ff,)

3. But things gοt οut οf hand ...but things gοt οut οf hand. (翻译:可是到后来... 我也不知道... 假戏真做)

4. The contents of Mangiferin in the leafs of f. (翻译:不同产地和月份的芒果叶中芒果苷的含量存在差异。)

5. Informed consent is a basic requirement for mental health researchers and practitioners, both online and f2f. (翻译:知情同意是对在线及面对面心理健康研究者与从业者的一个基本要求。)

6. In Listing 24, the constructor of F is called before F2; likewise for the destructor. (翻译:在 清单 24 中,先调用 F 的构造函数,然后是 F2 的;对于销毁函数也是这样。)

7. Informed consent is a basic requirement for mental health researchers and practitioners, both online and f2f. (翻译:知情同意是对在线及面对面心理健康研究者与从业者的一个基本要求。)

8. F for Fascist and N for Nazi (翻译:F是取自法西斯主义者Fascist N是取自纳粹党Nazi)

9. He knew... his mind would never again be free to romp like... the mind of God. (翻译:他知道... 自己之后再也无法 天马行空地... 再造自己)

10. I've been forced to move my store from G/F to 2/F and so on... (翻译:我的书店 由地铺,给他迫到上二楼 由二楼一直迫迫迫...)

11. - Boy, nothin' like balcony seats for watching the ol' F.O.F. (翻译:拜托 难道没有一间包箱 让我们坐着看庆典吗 你们看吧)

12. Parents may ease up on antibacterial soap and perhaps allow their little ones a romp or two in the mud. (翻译:父母们或许可以少给孩子用点抗菌皂了,没准还可以让他们偶尔在泥坑里嬉闹一两次。)

13. At The House of Laffs, spelled L-A-F-F-S. (翻译:如果你有兴趣 在 Laffs 之家 L - A)

14. Is this not apartment 3-f? (翻译:这不是3 -F号房间吗? Is this not apartment 3)

15. ...decided to jump over the wire providing us with that romp through the cornfield... and that death-defying leap into the abysmal muck! (翻译:居然一脚跨过线圈 害我们在玉米田里拔腿狂奔 最后跳进一堆烂泥里 现在我们眼睁睁看着那疯子)

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