root compiler是什么意思 root compiler的中文翻译、读音、例句

root compiler是什么意思 root compiler的中文翻译、读音、例句

root compiler的中文解释是"根编译程序",其次还有"计"的意思,单词读音音标为[rootcompiler],root compiler常被用作名词,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到42个与root compiler相关的例句。

Root compiler的中文翻译


例句:The driver's license Root had in Caroline Turing's name was real. You sure? (Root持有的 Caroline Turing的驾照是真名)


例句:One technique that is often now performed by the compiler is loop unrolling. (现代编译器常常采用的一种技术是展开循环。)


root compiler一般作为名词使用,如在compiler(编译程序 )、root(根 )、root for(支持, 赞助)等常见短语中出现较多。

root for支持, 赞助
root in来源于
root of[网络] 的根
root on[网络] 根基
the root[网络] 根;根源;根本
to root[网络] 连根
to root for[网络] 助阵;支持某人


1. Root beer float, that sounds good. (翻译:根汁汽水,听起来不错。Root beer float, that sounds good.)

2. Discusses dealing with reentrancy at the compiler level. (翻译:讨论了在编译器层次上对可重入性的处理。)

3. Especially, as the compiler I used was released under the GPL- (翻译:尤其是因为我用的编译器是以GPL版权发布的)

4. The compiler performs the cast, which truncates data. (翻译:编译器会进行截断资料的转换。)

5. Soviet agents were planted and left to take root. (翻译:苏联特工被安插入我们的核心 伺机颠覆我们 Soviet agents were planted and left to take root.)

6. Gravel root, parsley root and marshmallow root have been used historically for supporting normal fluid elimination. (翻译:砾石根,香菜根和软糖根已被用于支持正常流体历史淘汰。)

7. This is a very basic compiler. (翻译:这是一个非常简单的编译器。)

8. The root of the problem for me is philosophical. (翻译:The root of the problem for me is philosophical. 对我来说问题的根源在理论)

9. I've also noticed that every compiler has a switch that strictly enforces ANSI C and disables all compiler extensions. (翻译:我也注意到,每一个编译器都可切换是否严格执行的ANSIC编译器,并禁用所有的扩展。)

10. Again, this is a function generated for you by the MATLAB compiler. (翻译:同样,这也是MATLAB编译器为您生成的函数。)

11. The nodule number of axial root, number of lateral root and root volume in var. fastigiata cultivars were greater too. (翻译:多粒型花生根体积大、主根根瘤数多、侧根数多。)

12. In the front end of the compiler, the internal representation for GIMPLE was redefined, meaning that the compiler consumes less memory. (翻译:在编译器的前端,GIMPLE的内部表示被重新定义,这意味着编译器将消耗更少的内存。)

13. Switch from your current Java compiler to the AspectJ "ajc" compiler, which also compiles Java code. (翻译:从当前Java编译器切换到AspectJ的“ajc”编译器,它也可以编译Java代码。)

14. Set the Context root to wishlist, then click Next. (翻译:将Context root设置为wishlist,然后单击Next。)

15. TOC, link editor, and compiler areas. (翻译:链接编辑器和编译器区。)

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