rosemery是什么意思 rosemery的中文翻译、读音、例句

rosemery是什么意思 rosemery的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:♪ Here the rose that decks thy door (# 玫瑰装饰你的大门 # # Here the rose that decks thy door #)

例句:Oh, Anna, there's an appeal at the Scottish church in Pont Street for old clothes. (- Rose也去吗 - 为什么这么问 她说了什么吗)


rosemery一般作为名词使用,如在Rosemery([网络] 洮妖)等常见短语中出现较多。

Rosemery[网络] 洮妖


1. Kurt Bollacker and Alexander Rose designed a radically wireless station. (翻译:Kurt Bollacker 和 Alexander Rose 设计了一个无线的气象站)

2. Even dead, Rose is a control freak. (翻译:即使她死掉了, 你外婆Rose依然是个控制狂)

3. -Rose, where-where are your manners? (翻译:-I want to hear it. -Rose, where -where are your manners?)

4. Mery Christmas, girls. I'm Eli, and this is Eddy. (翻译:小姑娘们圣诞快乐,我是Eli,这个是Eddy。)

5. I guess I will just sing a French song. It's called La Vie en Rose (翻译:我想唱一首法国歌La Vie en Rose)

6. What if Rose was working Hoodoo but not to hurt anyone, to protect them? (翻译:所以Rose不是用伏都来害人的 而是用来保护别人的?)

7. Can you stop with the publicity stunts, Mama Rose? (翻译:能别搞这么多宣传噱头吗 Mama Rose)

8. What do you got? Some information on Christina Rose you might find interesting. (翻译:关于Christina Rose的消息 你也许会感兴趣)

9. A rose is a rose is a rose (翻译:A rose is a rose is a rose 罗斯是玫瑰是玫瑰)

10. And Rose and Miss lovenko and Manuel and you, you jerk! (翻译:And Rose and Miss lovenko and Manuel and you, you jerk!)

11. Iwasn'tgetting the same rush Tonight, I needed more (翻译:[Rose] Things like this, on the other hand, happen all the time.)

12. Are there bad guys in Rose Hills? (翻译:玫瑰山那边也有坏人吗 Are there bad guys in Rose Hills?)

13. The waters went down, but the pain rose, the grief continued... (翻译:水退了 但痛苦没有 The waters went down, but the pain rose, 悲痛在继续 The grief continued)

14. I'm much more nervous about my daughter, Rose, riding a bicycle. (翻译:当我女儿Rose骑自行车时 我会非常紧张 )

15. This is Rose... and Elena. (翻译:This is Rose. 和艾莲娜 And Elena.)

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