rosette bok choy是什么意思 rosette bok choy的中文翻译、读音、例句

rosette bok choy是什么意思 rosette bok choy的中文翻译、读音、例句

rosette bok choy的中文解释是"乌塌菜",其中文解释还有"网络"的意思,发音是[rosettebokchoy],rosette bok choy常被用作名词,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到33个与rosette bok choy相关的句子。

Rosette bok choy的词典翻译


例句:With one to four leaves arranged in a rosette, from a distance, the plant looks a bit like a hardy piece of kale. (一个莲座叶丛生长着一到四片叶子,从远处看,这种植物有点像一片耐寒的甘蓝。)

例句:One interesting find was a rosette of very white plaster done with great care almost in the middle of the ceiling. (一个有趣的发现就是一个白色灰泥做的玫瑰花形物件,仔细地贴在天花板的中间。)


rosette bok choy一般作为名词使用,如在bok-choy(白菜 )、choy(驱虫苋,人名 英 乔伊 柬 崔 中 蔡 广东话·威妥玛)、rosette(玫瑰花形饰物 )等常见短语中出现较多。

choy驱虫苋,人名 英 乔伊 柬 崔 中 蔡 广东话·威妥玛
fat choy[网络] 发菜
E rosetteE玫瑰花结
EA rosetteEA玫瑰花结
EAC rosetteEAC 玫瑰花结
erythrocyte rosetteE玫瑰花结


1. Blades of rosette leaves narrowly spatulate to oblong-oblanceolate, gradually narrowed into a petiole; corolla rose. (翻译:倒披针形莲座丛叶狭匙形到长圆形,逐渐狭窄成叶柄的叶片;花冠玫瑰色。)

2. There is a bull's head rhyton from Mycenae with a gold rosette or sun-burst on its forehead. (翻译:有一个来自迈锡尼的公牛头纹,前额上有一个金花环或者说太阳图案。)

3. I've got Rosette sausages for you all, which I made myself. (翻译:我这儿有你要的Rosette香肠,自家做的)

4. The leaves formed a dark green rosette. (翻译:这些叶子聚在一起,像是一朵深绿色的玫瑰。)

5. Man Bok! You lied about this being your first time playing this! (翻译:万宝哥哥真是撒谎骗我们说 是第一次玩花图)

6. A bok globule nicknamed the "caterpillar" appears at the right. (翻译:一个绰号“毛虫”的博克球状体在右边。)

7. Stem often reduced, branched or not, plants almost rosette. (翻译:茎通常退化的,分枝与否,植株几乎莲座丛。)

8. This dark cloud is an example of a "Bok globule," named after the late University of Arizona astronomer Bart Bok. (翻译:这个暗云是一个“博克球状体”,以亚利桑那大学天文学家Bart Bok命名。)

9. A bom Film Production executive producer LEE Kang-bok (翻译:A bom Film 出品 执行制片人 LEE Kang-bok)

10. An ordinary man, not man's light, there is no celebrity rosette, flat light of life, we need to go with a normal face. (翻译:一个平凡的普通人,没有伟人的光芒,没有名人的花环,平平淡淡的人生,需要我们用一颗平常心去面对。)

11. Dear residents of Mu Jin, Elder Lee Gang Bok Elder Lee Gang Seok have over the last 10 over years, worked hard day and night, and contributed selflessly to our Mu Jin Church and Mu Jin City. (翻译:李江福和李江锡长老 为了我们雾津教会和雾津市 在过去的几xx年 不分昼夜地努力工作 无私奉献着)

12. In plan, its shape recalls a rose or rosette-a fitting allusion for Le Rosey. (翻译:在规划中,它的形状让人想到玫瑰或蔷薇——一个恰当的对萝实学院的影射。)

13. I've won 1 2 gold medals with that Rosette since I started. (翻译:从我开始制作Rosette香肠 我就已经获得了12个奖杯)

14. Marjorie stood on the porch with a big yellow rosette tied around the post. (翻译:马乔里站在柱子上系着一个巨大的黄色玫瑰花形饰物的门廊里。)

15. Rosette comes from Roger and Josette: (翻译:Rosette这一名字来自Roger和Josette.)

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