rough ammonia tankage是什么意思 rough ammonia tankage的中文翻译、读音、例句

rough ammonia tankage是什么意思 rough ammonia tankage的中文翻译、读音、例句

rough ammonia tankage的中文解释是"粗氮肥",其次还有"网络"的意思,单词读音音标为[roughammoniatankage],rough ammonia tankage在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到49个与rough ammonia tankage相关的例句。

Rough ammonia tankage的释义


例句:We can expect a rough ride for the next 15 minutes. (Expect a rough ride for the next 15 minutes.)

例句:I had a rough day at work today. (我今天工作很不顺利 I had a rough day at work today.)


rough ammonia tankage一般作为名词使用,如在tankage(一罐的容量 )、ammonia(氨 )、digester tankage(肉粉)等常见短语中出现较多。

digester tankage肉粉
fish tankage[化] 鱼肥
fuel tankage油箱容量
lease tankage[机] 油矿油罐
nitrogenous tankage[化] 含氮槽肥
oil tankage[化] 油库
process tankage废物饲料;废物肥料


1. Holidays are always rough. (翻译:过节总是很难 Holidays are always rough.)

2. They will react with ammonia to form amidines. (翻译:它们与氨反应形成脒。)

3. Ammonia segregator plays important on production of ammonia, the separated effect depending on whether of ammonia segregator was measured well. (翻译:氨分离器对氨的生产起重要作用,而氨分离器液位测量的准确性决定其分离效果好坏。)

4. The business has been running a little rough lately. (翻译:最近的生意不太好 The business has been running a little rough lately.)

5. We ran some rough numbers... (翻译:We ran some rough numbers... 我们做了些大概数字..)

6. Sew when the going gets rough (翻译:Sew when the going gets rough)

7. He was into the rough stuff. (翻译:他喜欢被人施暴 He was into the rough stuff.)

8. The ammonia gives way to crystalline hydrocarbons and breathable air. (翻译:氨气也被结晶性烃和可呼吸的空气所取代 The ammonia gives way to crystalline hydrocarbons and breathable air,)

9. So I had to rough him up a little bit. (翻译:So I had to rough him up a little bit.)

10. But I just started working with ammonia and ammonia hydroxide. (翻译:不过我才刚开始在生产过程中 使用氨气和氨水)

11. Maximum capacity of flow equalization limited by available wastewater depth in feed chamber of concrete tankage . (翻译:水泥池的进水箱内的水深决定水流均衡区的最大承受能力。)

12. Dylan is having a rough time. (翻译:迪伦哭个不停 Dylan is having a rough time.)

13. ~ But I play rough with hearts that never mend ~ (翻译:# But I play rough with hearts that never mend #)

14. In liaoning FGD market, ammonia resource is rich, so ammonia desulphurization technology is to be selected prioritly. (翻译:辽宁地区氨来源广泛,氨法烟气脱硫技术适合在辽宁应用。)

15. He misidentified the first organics we found as ammonia crystals. (翻译:他把我们见到的第一个有机体当成了氨晶体 He misidentified the first organics we found as ammonia crystals.)

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