rubefacience是什么意思 rubefacience的中文翻译、读音、例句

rubefacience是什么意思 rubefacience的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:It's a continent, Your Majesty. (非洲是个洲 陛下 Ce continent, Majesté.)


1. When was it that you noticed it? (翻译:开始的那个时候 你提到的 Ce moment où ça a commencé?)

2. Clinical Study On Reduction of Postpartum Bleeding in The Risk Fac tors by Misoprostol (翻译:口服米索前列醇防治高危因素产后出血的临床观察)

3. In its statement last night the FAC, expressed support for Allen and condemned "the vitriol that has been directed at her in recent days" . (翻译:昨晚FAC的声明对艾伦表示支持,同时谴责“近来对她尖酸刻薄的批评”。)

4. You're two years younger now, Ce... (翻译:对了 我顺便把你改小了两岁 卡姆 马格努斯)

5. All that is wrong All that's not going well (翻译:所有不好的事情发生 Tout ce qui ne va pas, ce qui ne tourne pas rond)

6. - I'm drinking magic milk. (翻译:-ce que tu fais? - Je prends de la sève magique.)

7. (Drunken singing) Lo-fac-ta is a two-faced poncy French git! (翻译:Lofacta 虚假法国faggy的混蛋!)

8. Rube says that you don't mess around with fate, peanut. (翻译:然后分给每个死神 Rube说 小花生 别玩弄命运)

9. And they explained that they wanted kind of a Rube Goldberg machine. (翻译:他们解释说他们想要 一个类似鲁宾·戈德堡装置那样的机器。)

10. I only believe what I see. (翻译:- Comment je peux être sûr? Je crois ce que je verrai.)

11. He's no rube. He's a very smart guy. (翻译:他可不是乡巴佬。他是个很聪明的家伙。)

12. Sophie were to wear the bra? (翻译:今天早上 苏菲会把内衣穿在... Ce matin, Sophie va mettre le soutif...)

13. The videos are not all Rube Goldberg machines, by the way. (翻译:另外提一下,我们的 MV里也 不全是这种戈德堡机械。)

14. As a FAC graduate, I respect the Foreign Ministry as a part of our regime. An important part. (翻译:再怎么,外交部也是国家一重要部门啊,能容许此等人胡乱评论吗。)

15. CE: Hopefully it all will happen the way you saw it in here. (翻译:CE:希望着陆过程如我们所见的这样顺利。)

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