rubpc是什么意思 rubpc的中文翻译、读音、例句

rubpc是什么意思 rubpc的中文翻译、读音、例句

由于 'rubpc' 这个词语在语言中没有实际存在,因此无法对其进行多方面的说明。如果需要对某个实际存在的词语进行说明,请提供正确的拼写和语境。




例句:Someone I can rub in his face. (给他点颜色看看 Someone I can rub in his face.)


rubpc一般作为名词使用,如在RUBPC([=ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase]二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶)等常见短语中出现较多。

RUBPC[=ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase]二磷酸核酮糖羧化酶


1. The gold colouring had begun to rub off. (翻译:金黄色已经开始剥落了。)

2. Sarah, this is PC Dani Ferrington. (翻译:莎拉 我是丹妮·费林顿警员 Sarah, this is PC Dani Ferrington.)

3. Proper RAC configuration for handling 2pc global transactions. (翻译:处理2pc全局事务的正确RAC配置。)

4. Can you make sure he gets a proper rub-down? (翻译:一定给它好好按摩下 它表现得很好 Can you make sure he gets a proper rub)

5. Now go to the bathroom, hit a stall, and rub one out to that. (翻译:Now go to the bathroom, hit a 锁上门,好好打一枪 stall, and rub one out to that.)

6. The PC comes with office software preloaded. (翻译:这台电脑随机预装了办公软件。)

7. You can rub your own chest. (翻译:你可以自己抹胸口的 You can rub your own chest.)

8. This mode is only valid with PC/IXF input files. (翻译:该模式只对 PC/IXF 输入文件有效。)

9. Spend all day with him, it starts to rub off. (翻译:和他在一起呆久了 被潜移默化总是难免 Spend all day with him, it starts to rub off.)

10. A spectrogram based on PC is presented. (翻译:介绍了一种基于PC的语图仪。)

11. I liked the Media Center PC. I liked the Microsoft SPOT Watch. (翻译:我喜欢Media Center PC. 我喜欢微软的SPOT手表)

12. You can borrow the desktop pc. (翻译:You can borrow the desktop pc. 你可以借那台桌机去用)

13. Rub it on, then immediately wipe it off with a washcloth or tissue. (翻译:抹上之后,立刻用毛巾或湿巾擦试干净。)

14. I rub my fingers with it every morning. (翻译:我每天早上都用它磨手 I rub my fingers with it every morning.)

15. Perhaps some of his mojo will rub off on us. (翻译:说不定我们能蹭到一点他的天赋 Perhaps some of his mojo will rub off on us.)

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