mathematic compiler是什么意思 mathematic compiler的中文翻译、读音、例句

mathematic compiler是什么意思 mathematic compiler的中文翻译、读音、例句

mathematic compiler的意思是"数学编译器",其次还有"数学编译器"的意思,发音是[mathematiccompiler],mathematic compiler常被用作名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到73个与mathematic compiler相关的例句。

Mathematic compiler的词典翻译


例句:In the first part, the mathematic model of a certain type of turbofan aeroengine is discussed. (第一部分是某型涡轮风扇发动机的数学模型及其计算方法的研究。)


mathematic compiler一般作为名词使用,如在mathematic([计] 数学的)、compiler(编译程序 )、mathematic axiom(数学公理)等常见短语中出现较多。

mathematic[计] 数学的
mathematic axiom数学公理
mathematic check数学核对
mathematic definition数学定义
mathematic example数学例题
mathematic expectation学期望
mathematic function数学函数
mathematic induction数学归纳法


1. The negative example and reductio ad adsurdum Proof obtain an interesting application in statistical mathematic. (翻译:反例和反证法是数学中常用的方法,在统计数学中也有许多有趣的应用。)

2. I've also noticed that every compiler has a switch that strictly enforces ANSI C and disables all compiler extensions. (翻译:我也注意到,每一个编译器都可切换是否严格执行的ANSIC编译器,并禁用所有的扩展。)

3. Mr. Bellard is perhaps most famous for writing the tiny c compiler (tcc), a popular lightweight compiler in the Linux community. (翻译:不仅如此,Bellard先生过去还以编写了tcc编译器而在Linux社群中享有盛名。)

4. In type inference, the compiler infers the types of values based on the context. (翻译:在类型推断的情况下,编译器会根据上下文推断值的类型。)

5. In the front end of the compiler, the internal representation for GIMPLE was redefined, meaning that the compiler consumes less memory. (翻译:在编译器的前端,GIMPLE的内部表示被重新定义,这意味着编译器将消耗更少的内存。)

6. So, you know, that leads to questions like, is this a compiler? Is this a sub-routine? (翻译:于是可以引发这样的问题 这是编译器吗?这是子路径吗? )

7. The result indicates that it is feasible to simulate the length of air cavity by the mathematic model of the turbulent flow. (翻译:结果表明,用紊流数学模型来模拟泄水道反弧末端侧墙掺气坎的空腔长度是可行的;)

8. Discusses dealing with reentrancy at the compiler level. (翻译:讨论了在编译器层次上对可重入性的处理。)

9. TOC, link editor, and compiler areas. (翻译:链接编辑器和编译器区。)

10. Our trusty compiler, built for generating PPC Linux binaries for the PPE. (翻译:可信赖的编译器,用来为ppe生成ppc Linux二进制程序。)

11. In the framework of certifying compiler, automated theorem prover plays a key role. (翻译:在出具证明编译器的理论框架中,自动定理证明技术发挥着关键作用。)

12. Especially, as the compiler I used was released under the GPL- (翻译:尤其是因为我用的编译器是以GPL版权发布的)

13. Existing mathematic theory couldn't explain it. (翻译:现存的数学理论无法解释它。)

14. In summary, security area is an excellent combination between mathematic and engineering, which we have done in the thesis. (翻译:最后做一总结,安全领域是一种数学与工程学科的结合,我们试著在本论文中达到这一点。)

15. yacc: yet another compiler compiler (翻译:yacc:另一个编译器的编译器 )

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