salivary gland neoplasm是什么意思 salivary gland neoplasm的中文翻译、读音、例句

salivary gland neoplasm是什么意思 salivary gland neoplasm的中文翻译、读音、例句

salivary gland neoplasm在中文中有"唾液腺赘生物"的意思,还有唾液腺赘生物的意思,发音是[salivaryglandneoplasm],salivary gland neoplasm常被用作名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到81个与salivary gland neoplasm相关的例句。

Salivary gland neoplasm的释义


例句:Traceable mammary gland is not the malignant tumor of epithelial tissue, it is mammary gland caruncle. (起源于乳腺非上皮组织的恶性肿瘤,是乳腺肉瘤。)


salivary gland neoplasm一般作为名词使用,如在salivary gland(n. 唾腺)、mucous gland neoplasm(黏液腺肿瘤)、heterotopic salivary gland(异位涎腺)等常见短语中出现较多。

salivary glandn. 唾腺
mucous gland neoplasm黏液腺肿瘤
heterotopic salivary gland异位涎腺
mandibular salivary gland下颌腺
parotid salivary gland腮唾液腺
salivary gland calculi唾腺结石
salivary gland chromosome唾(液)腺染色体
salivary gland chromosomes[网络] 染色体;唾液腺染色体
salivary gland disease[医] 涎腺病


1. Mesoblastic nephroma, a benign tumor, is the most common renal neoplasm in neonates. (翻译:中胚叶肾瘤,良性肿瘤,是最常见的肾肿瘤新生儿。)

2. Objective To remedy lacrimal hypersecretion by procaine blocking lacrimal gland . (翻译:目的利用普罗卡因封闭泪腺治疗泪液分泌过多症。)

3. Pleural neurilemmoma, neurinoma and pleural fibrolipoma usually had the characteristics of benign neoplasm. (翻译:胸膜神经鞘瘤、神经纤维瘤及胸膜纤维脂肪瘤均具有良性肿瘤的特征。)

4. Pituitary-target gland axises; (翻译:垂体-靶腺轴; )

5. Characteristic mucus of gastric foveola epithelium or pyloric gland. (翻译:具有胃腺窝上皮型和幽门腺型特定型粘液。)

6. Objective To determine the sensitivity of salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma cells to anticancer agents. (翻译:目的检测涎腺腺样囊性癌对抗癌药物的敏感程度。)

7. The solitary appearance of this neoplasm suggests that the tumor is primary rather than metastatic. (翻译:单个肿块往往说明是原发瘤,而不是转移瘤。)

8. Lung neoplasm; Iressa; Toxicity reaction; Treatment outcome. (翻译:肺腺癌;易瑞沙;毒副反应;治疗结果。)

9. One clue to the presence of such a neoplasm is an elevated serum alpha-fetoprotein. (翻译:发生肝细胞癌的表现之一为血清甲胎蛋白升高。)

10. Chloroma, a greenish neoplasm of high malignancy is a rare disease. (翻译:绿色瘤,一种高度恶性的绿色肿瘤是非常少见的疾病。)

11. The polytene chromosomes found in the salivary gland cells are among the largest chromosomes known today. (翻译:唾液腺细胞中的多线染色体是目前已知的最大染色体之一。)

12. The histological examination is usually not sufficient to correctly diagnose this benign neoplasm. (翻译:在组织学检查通常是不够的正确诊断此良性肿瘤。)

13. Objective: To study the possibility of neuroendocrine feature of salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma (SACC). (翻译:目的:探讨涎腺腺样囊性癌具有神经内分泌性的可能性。)

14. Cystic nephroma is a rare renal neoplasm which is usually benign histologically. (翻译:摘要囊肿性肾细胞瘤是一种少见的肾脏肿瘤,且在组织学上通常呈现良性。)

15. Primary appendiceal cancer is a rare neoplasm. (翻译:原发性兰尾癌是很稀有肿瘤。)

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