salle a manger是什么意思 salle a manger的中文翻译、读音、例句

salle a manger是什么意思 salle a manger的中文翻译、读音、例句

salle a manger在英语中代表"咖啡室"的意思,其中文解释还有"餐室"的意思,发音音标为[salleamanger],salle a manger常被用作名词,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到75个与salle a manger相关的例句。

Salle a manger的中文翻译


例句:De La Salle's two-way players are struggling to get back up. (德拉萨队打两端的队员们已经筋疲力尽 倒地后几乎无力起身)


例句:La Salle college was founded in 1959, which is one of the famous colleges in Canada. (拉萨尔学院创建于xx年,是加拿大著名的高等院校之一。)


salle a manger一般作为名词使用,如在manger(食槽 )、salle(n. 大厅, 室)、garde manger([网络] 开胃菜和沙拉;冷盘厨师;冷盘)等常见短语中出现较多。

sallen. 大厅, 室
garde manger[网络] 开胃菜和沙拉;冷盘厨师;冷盘
hay manger干草槽
manger board挡水板
manger bulkhead挡水半隔壁
manger plate挡水板
manger plater[网络] 船首楼锚链孔后挡水板
manger scupper挡水板排水孔


1. Then I went to get the box containing the nativity manger and ceramic figures, which had not been touched for three years. (翻译:然后我去得到盒子包含出生马槽和陶瓷的身材,不已经被接触达xx年之久。)

2. Ladies and gentlemen, here to play for their 12th straight championship win... the De La Salle Spartans. (翻译:女士们先生们 下面进场的是 为他们的第12座冠军奖杯而战的 德拉萨斯巴达人队)

3. In a manger, wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying among animals, the unbounded God gave in to sleep. (翻译:一个男孩,男孩用布给包住了 睡在家畜之中 全能之神无法入睡)

4. Because his magic is so strong that he can even eat men. (翻译:因为他的力量非常强大 Parce que sa magie est si puissante. 他甚至可以吃人 Il peut manger des hommes!)

5. Then La Salle came to me with his plan to swindle the land from you... and I got my chance. (翻译:然后鲍勃来找我 让我帮他从你手中骗那块地 我抓住了这个机会)

6. As luck would have it I find a ticket in the lavabo for a concert. Light as a feather now I go there to the Salle Gaveau. (翻译:碰巧,我在盥洗室里找到一张音乐会票,于是便像一只轻松愉快的鸟一样奔戈韦音乐厅去了。)

7. When we turned onto La Salle, (翻译:转弯的时候 我看到一些示威者和警察发生冲突)

8. I was ransomed by La Salle and brought to Florence... where I lived with Mrs. Portinari. (翻译:鲍勃付了赎金 把我送到佛罗伦萨 跟波蒂拉尼太太住在一起)

9. ♪ He was just some Joseph looking for a manger ♪ (翻译:罗伯特·奥特曼 ♪ 他只像个牧童寻找饲料 ♪ 导演: 罗伯特·奥特曼)

10. This season is ending with De La Salle in a familiar place: (翻译:在这个跌宕起伏的赛季末 德拉萨来到了这个熟悉的位置)

11. So Mr. Salle could have O-negative blood one week, and if he changed his medication, B-positive the next? - That is correct. (翻译:那Salle先生可能这周是O型阴性 而如果调整药物的话 下周就是B型阳性)

12. The Wolverines are controlling the line of scrimmage against De La Salle. (翻译:在这场与德拉萨的比赛中 金刚狼统治了 攻防两端的前线)

13. Do you know of any motive Mr. Salle might have had to murder Mr. Kimball? (翻译:你知道能够让Salle先生 杀死Kimball先生的动机吗?)

14. This team is struggling and is nowhere as talented... as previous De La Salle teams. (翻译:球队在低谷苦苦挣扎 而且并不像之前的 德拉萨队那样天才云集)

15. Last year, De La Salle out-scored league opponents... 326 to 27. (翻译:去年 德拉萨得分远远超过对手 为326比27)

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