salmonella orion是什么意思 salmonella orion的中文翻译、读音、例句

salmonella orion是什么意思 salmonella orion的中文翻译、读音、例句

salmonella orion在中文中有"俄赖翁沙门氏菌"的意思,其次还有"俄赖翁沙门氏菌"的意思,发音音标为[salmonellaorion],salmonella orion在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到76个与salmonella orion相关的例句。

Salmonella orion的翻译


例句:Refusals for Salmonella are most prevalent in shrimp imports. (进口虾被拒绝入境的最普遍原因就是沙门氏菌。)


salmonella orion一般作为名词使用,如在Salmonella orion(俄赖翁沙门氏菌)、Orion(猎户座 )、salmonella(沙门氏菌 )等常见短语中出现较多。

Salmonella orion俄赖翁沙门氏菌
moscow' orion[医] 俄赖翁沙门氏菌
Orion Aggregate猎户星集
Orion arm猎户臂
Orion Nebula[网络] 猎户座星云;猎户座大星云;猎户星云
Orion spectrum[天] 猎户谱
Orion spur【天文学】猎户臂隆起物
Trapezium of Orion猎户四边形


1. The Orion sings high above, - leaving dew and frost below. (翻译:The Orion sings high above leaving dew and frost below)

2. At the bald mountain recreation area up near lake orion. (翻译:案发在猎户湖边平山娱乐区上 {\3cH202020}at the bald mountain recreation area up near lake orion.)

3. Objective: to probe into the controlling effects of vinegar on bacteria of shigella and salmonella. (翻译:目的:探讨食醋对志贺菌属和沙门菌属细菌的抑制作用。)

4. I always like looking at Orion. (翻译:我一直很喜欢注视猎户星座。)

5. Construction of a Subtracted DNA Library between Salmonella Pullorum and Salmonella Gallinarum (翻译:鸡白痢沙门氏菌与鸡伤寒沙门氏菌基因组消减文库的构建)

6. Isolation, purification and identification of flagellar components from Salmonella paratyphi A (翻译:甲型副伤寒沙门菌鞭毛蛋白的分离、纯化和鉴定)

7. Orion had the habit of staring motionlessly at his interlocutor. (翻译:奥利恩有个一动不动地盯着谈话对象的习惯。)

8. And there was a high correlation between antibiotic-resistant salmonella in the pig and in the final product. (翻译:猪体内耐药沙门氏菌与最终的 猪肉产品内的沙门氏菌 有很大的相关性。)

9. Salmonella Saintpaul is an uncommon type of Salmonella. (翻译:圣保罗沙门氏菌是一种罕见的沙门氏菌属。)

10. By 2020, Orion will be paired with the lunar lander Altair. (翻译:xx年,“猎户座”会和“牛郎星”月球着陆装置协同工作。)

11. Actually the star just at the top is the lefthand star in Orion. (翻译:事实上,上边那颗星就是猎户座中左侧的一颗星。)

12. On the Effect of Common Salmonella and Shiga's Bacillus Enriched Solution (翻译:沙门菌和志贺菌通用增菌液增菌效果实验观察)

13. The other two stars in Orion's belt are Alnilam and Mintaka. (翻译:在猎户座带上的另外两颗星星是参宿二和参宿三。)

14. Orion's Belt points to the brightest star in the sky- (翻译:猎户座的腰带指向天空最明亮的星星 天狼星)

15. And that's Andromeda, and that small star on the right near Orion was discovered only 50 years ago (翻译:那是仙女座 还有那个右边的小星星 靠近猎户座的那个, xx年前才被发现)

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