sampling duration是什么意思 sampling duration的中文翻译、读音、例句

sampling duration是什么意思 sampling duration的中文翻译、读音、例句

sampling duration的中文解释是"抽样时间",其次还有"抽样时间"的意思,发音音标为[samplingduration],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到41个与sampling duration相关的例句。

Sampling duration的词典翻译


例句:In order to standardize bioaerosol sampling and to raise sampling efficiency, a new sampling medium for detecting bioaerosols was developed. (为了提高生物气溶胶的采样效率,为采样标准化奠定实验基础,研制了一种能适合大多数生物气溶胶的新型采样介质。)


sampling duration一般作为名词使用,如在duration(持续 )、duration of(持续时间)、for the duration(直到战争结束, 长期地)等常见短语中出现较多。

duration of持续时间
for the duration直到战争结束, 长期地
in durationn. 硬化;[医] 硬结;顽固;无情
the duration[网络] 持续时间;的期限;时值
if sampling中频取样
sampling[计] 抽样; 采样\n[化] 取样
digit duration数字脉冲宽度
drought duration干旱延时


1. She will be your partner for the duration of this case. (翻译:在侦办此案期间 She will be your partner 她会是你们的搭档 for the duration of this case.)

2. The duration of previous geologic periods was difficult to determine. (翻译:以前很难确定地质期的持续时间。)

3. I'll be with you for the duration of your visit. (翻译:参观期间我会全程陪同 我去哪儿 你们就去哪儿)

4. They weren't sampling these records to cash in on the familiarity of the original stuff. (翻译:他们从这些音乐中取样, 也不是为了占原创者的便宜 )

5. The relation between the filter sampling time and cutting error is fuzzed. (翻译:将滤波器的采样时间与剪切误差之间的关系模糊化。)

6. Duration of that performance. (翻译:流行巨星Nick Jonas见面 我是Nick 很高兴见到你们)

7. Duration is the central conception in bergson ism. (翻译:绵延是柏格森生命哲学的核心概念。)

8. At the risk of seeming prosaic, after sampling spiritual nourishment of such quality, (翻译:请恕我唐突 在大家刚刚尝过 如此美妙的精神粮食后)

9. Flow was checked by a rotameter at the end of the sampling period. (翻译:流动检查由浮子结束时的采样周期。)

10. In order to guarantee the quality of silkworms eggs, multiple sampling plan is put forward about the sampling inspection of pebrine for mother moth in the silkworm. (翻译:为了保证蚕种质量,提出了家蚕微粒子病母蛾抽样检查的五次抽样方案。)

11. Study on the Sampler for Radioxenon Isotopes and its Sampling Efficiency Calibration (翻译:放射性氙同位素取样装置的建立及其效率标定)

12. Instead, our brains are sampling just a little bit of the world. (翻译:相反的,我们的大脑只对 现实世界的一小部分“浅尝辄止”。)

13. Please remain calm and seated for the duration of the flight. (翻译:请在飞行过程中,保持平静,请勿走动。Please remain calm and seated for the duration of the flight.)

14. And the interrogation plan involving the duration and the combination of the techniques was not proper. (翻译:和审讯计划 涉及的持续时间 和组合 的技术 是不是正确的。)

15. So, you can see the duration. (翻译:因为在这里我们还可以看到持续服药的时间。)

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