sampling of attributes是什么意思 sampling of attributes的中文翻译、读音、例句

sampling of attributes是什么意思 sampling of attributes的中文翻译、读音、例句

sampling of attributes通常被翻译为"属性抽样"的意思,还有属性抽样的意思,在线发音:[samplingofattributes],sampling of attributes在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到78个与sampling of attributes相关的例句。

Sampling of attributes的词典翻译


例句:I sympathise, but he attributes all of his failures (我表示同情 但是他把一切失败都归于 I sympathise, but he attributes all of his failures)


sampling of attributes一般作为名词使用,如在sampling by attributes(属性抽样)、sampling for attributes([网络] 属性抽样法)、attributes(属性 的复数,认为……属于 把……归咎于 确定……产生的时间 的第三人称单数)等常见短语中出现较多。

sampling by attributes属性抽样
sampling for attributes[网络] 属性抽样法
attributes属性 的复数,认为……属于 把……归咎于 确定……产生的时间 的第三人称单数
essential attributes本质属性
factoring of attributes属性因子分解
field attributes字段属性
file attributes文件属性\n[计] 文件属性
financial attributes经济属性
font attributes[印刷] 字体属性


1. Gray ovals represent attributes. (翻译:灰色的椭圆表示属性。)

2. The data sampling include two kind: free sampling adapted to random signal and pretrigger sampling adapted to impact signal. (翻译:数据采集包括自由采集和预触发采集两种,分别应用于随机信号和冲击信号的采集。)

3. And did you notice her attributes, oh it's not that, (翻译:你注意到她的特点是什么? 不用担心这个。)

4. In order to standardize bioaerosol sampling and to raise sampling efficiency, a new sampling medium for detecting bioaerosols was developed. (翻译:为了提高生物气溶胶的采样效率,为采样标准化奠定实验基础,研制了一种能适合大多数生物气溶胶的新型采样介质。)

5. deadtime negative real axis ultimate gain ultimate period sampling Interval sampling period word length integration offset quantization step (翻译:死区时间负实轴极限增益极限周期采样间隔采样周期字长积分偏差量化步长)

6. At the risk of seeming prosaic, after sampling spiritual nourishment of such quality, (翻译:请恕我唐突 在大家刚刚尝过 如此美妙的精神粮食后)

7. Nonlinear sampling model is adopted and saliency map is formed based on contrast of neighboring sampling nodes. (翻译:在注意机制中采用非线性采样模型,并利用相邻采样点形成显著性图。)

8. It supplied the soil permeability unit grouping figure, sampling pattern and mathematical model of sampling pattern of total infi... (翻译:为渠道理论输水损失水量计算提供了土壤透水性单元聚类图、模式样本及入渗总水量的模式样本的数学模型。)

9. But, like all puppets, it has other attributes. (翻译:但是就像所有的木偶一样,它也有其他的特性)

10. Attrib; the attributes are stored in a dictionary. (翻译:这些属性被存储在字典中。)

11. Two of these attributes are managedBy and memberOf. (翻译:其中的两个属性是managedBy和memberOf。)

12. Research on the Parallel Algorithm for the Knapsack Problem Based on Sampling and MIMD (翻译:基于采样和MIMD结构的背包问题并行算法)

13. Notice that attrs is a HashMap of the tag attributes. (翻译:请注意:attrs 是标记属性的 HashMap。)

14. Extensity is one of the basic attributes of architecture. (翻译:空间性是建筑的基本属性之一。)

15. What other attributes are there? (翻译:还有什么属性 What other attributes are there?)

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