sandole是什么意思 sandole的中文翻译、读音、例句

sandole是什么意思 sandole的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:..we have officers like ACP S.S. Khan for our protection. (...有S・S・卡汗警长这样的人保护而倍感骄傲)

例句:That makes me Brittany S. Pierce. (全名是 布里特妮・S・皮尔斯 That makes me Brittany S.)


1. Ole Paulsen Neuroscience, University of Cambridge, Professor. (翻译:剑桥大学,神经科学系,教授。)

2. Not at the academic level of Ole Miss, but they have an outstanding science department. (翻译:它是没密西西比的那种学术水平 可是他们有个很出色的科学系)

3. My partner, Ole Jepsen, and I have discovered there are 8 Steps to building a connection with customers to enhance communication and build business value. (翻译:我和我的搭档Ole Jepsen发现:与客户建立联系有八个步骤,用之可以改善沟通并创建业务价值。)

4. "You can only lose that race," says Ole Scheeren, the German architect-in-charge of the new CCTV headquarters. (翻译:你指挥输掉这场竞争德国央视新总部建筑总管ole Scheeren说到。)

5. The German project architect, working on site, is Ole Scheeren. (翻译:在现场工作的这位德国工程建筑师是Ole Sche。)

6. He constructs his unique mode S/s by modifying Saussurean diagram. (翻译:通过修改索绪尔的所指与能指图式,拉康建构出S/s模式。)

7. A little ole married couple quickie BJ. (翻译:you might have gotten a little ole married couple quickie BJ.)

8. And Miranda coaches the women's lacrosse team at Ole Miss. (翻译:而米兰达是密西西比大学 女子曲棍球队的教练)

9. In addition to the A330-200s on their way out, SAA currently operates 17 737-800s, 11 A319s, six A340-300s and nine A340-600s. (翻译:除了将要淘汰的A330 - 220s,南非航空目前运营17架737 - 800s、11架A319s、6架A340 - 300s、9架A340 - 600s。)

10. Oh, you know, quite fabulous. (翻译:非常可爱 Écoute, euh... très, très chouette.)

11. Ole Andreson's girl now, or so I hear. (翻译:现在是奥尔. 安德逊的 女人了我听别人是这么说)

12. Ole Scheeren has created anew landmark for Singapore. (翻译:奥雷·舍为新加坡创造了一个全新的地标。)

13. Masai elder Jeremiah ole Tanin will be Justin's guide. (翻译:马赛长者Jeremiah ole Tanin 是贾斯汀的向导)

14. The file does not appear to be a valid OLE control module. Unable to register the OLE control. (翻译:文件似乎不是有效的OLE控件模块。无法注册OLE控件。)

15. It is not technical, Only Tom and Ole in a white coat. (翻译:它不是技术, 只有汤姆和好极了的白大衣。)

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