maximum charging voltage是什么意思 maximum charging voltage的中文翻译、读音、例

maximum charging voltage是什么意思 maximum charging voltage的中文翻译、读音、例

maximum charging voltage的中文解释是"网络、最高充电电压",其中文解释还有"充电电压上限值"的意思,在线读音是[maximumchargingvoltage],maximum charging voltage在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到15个与maximum charging voltage相关的句子。

Maximum charging voltage的中文翻译

例句:VOH is the absolute maximum voltage level with respect to VDD (drain-to-drain voltage) that the output can reach. (VOH为相对于输出所能达到VDD的绝对电压最大值。)


例句:All you gotta do is just start charging. (每次向他们收钱就行了 All you gotta do is just start charging.)


例句:We really have to start charging her. (我们真应该算她的账 We really have to start charging her.)


例句:Are you planning on charging my client with a crime? (翻译:你们是打算指控我的当事人有罪吗 Are you planning on charging my client with a crime?)


maximum charging voltage一般作为名词使用,如在maximum voltage(【电工学】 最高电压)、maximum charging current([网络] 最大充电电流;最大放电电流)、voltage charging circuit(压充电电路)等常见短语中出现较多。

maximum voltage【电工学】 最高电压
maximum charging current[网络] 最大充电电流;最大放电电流
voltage charging circuit压充电电路
charging炉料 装料 充电 篮球 进攻冲撞犯规,要价 收费 指责 使承担 任务等 给……充电 冲锋 装载 命令 饰纹章于…… 的现在分词
maximum continuous voltage最大连续电压
maximum design voltage最高设计电压
maximum floating voltage[网络] 最大浮置电压;最大浮动电压
maximum gate voltage最大门电压
maximum input voltage最高输入电压


1. We really have to start charging her. (翻译:我们真应该算她的账 We really have to start charging her.)

2. Are you planning on charging my client with a crime? (翻译:你们是打算指控我的当事人有罪吗 Are you planning on charging my client with a crime?)

3. The voltage rating of these resistors must be at least equal to the test voltage. (翻译:这些电阻器的电压额定值必须至少等于测试电压。)

4. VCC power | VF LED voltage regulator, driving voltage, IF forward current. (翻译:VCC为电源|稳压器电压,VF为LED驱动电压,IF为顺向电流。)

5. Begin charging the weapon. (翻译:开始装载武器 Begin charging the weapon.)

6. Select Branch voltage to measure the voltage across the Series RLC Load block terminals. (翻译:选择电压支路来测量RLC模块各终端的电压)

7. High-voltage, zinc-coated razor wire, iris recognition? (翻译:高压 覆盖锌涂层的铁丝网 虹膜识别系统 High -voltage, zinc -coated razor wire, iris recognition?)

8. Actually, sir, it is charging, but the power source is questionable. (翻译:主人 它其实正在充电 Actually, sir, it is charging, 但是电源好像有问题 but the power source is questionable.)

9. A manostat output voltage and maximum output current depends on the selected three end stabilizer. (翻译:一个稳压电源输出电压和最大输出电流决定于所选三端稳压器。)

10. He was talking about the maximum tolerable height being eight. (翻译:可他说最高不许超过8层 He was talking about the maximum tolerable height being eight.)

11. VRM? Voltage Regulating Manager? (翻译:电压调节管理器。)

12. The sun is overhead, maximum heating, maximum evaporation, maximum clouds, maximum rainfall, maximum opportunities for reproduction. (翻译:太阳正当头,加热最强烈, 蒸发最强烈,云最多, 雨最多, 给繁殖提供最多的机会。)

13. The equipment used in power supply voltage must be the product of the supply voltage line nameplate. (翻译:本设备使用的电源电压必须与产品铭牌的供电电压相符。)

14. Your charging portal is so clean. (翻译:I was just admiring it. Your charging portal is so clean.)

15. They appear to be charging us. (翻译:他们似乎要攻击我们 They appear to be charging us.)

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