saracenian是什么意思 saracenian的中文翻译、读音、例句

saracenian是什么意思 saracenian的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Hey, this is my brother Ian. (this is my brother Ian.)

例句:Still no I.D. on Ian Marks' partner? (- 还查不出Ian Marks同伙的身份吗?)


saracenian一般作为名词使用,如在Saracenian([网络] 撒拉西尼亚人)等常见短语中出现较多。

Saracenian[网络] 撒拉西尼亚人


1. No, no, no, no, it was more than that, it was Ian rush. (翻译:不不不 这可不够 那可是Ian Rush啊 No, no, no, no, it was more than that, it was Ian Rush.)

2. And these 3 now 7-8 meters clear of Ian Stewart. (翻译:... 甩开Ian Stewart 7 -8米的距离)

3. Ian Cox, ladies and gentlemen. (翻译:Ian Cox, ladies and gentlemen. ian考克斯,女士们、先生们)

4. Where were you on the night that Dr. Ian Wexler died? (翻译:Ian Wexler博士死的那天晚上你在哪?)

5. This is Ian, this is my buddy Liang. (翻译:这是IAN 这是李亮 我哥们 你好 你好 幸会)

6. But Ian knows that if love is war... (翻译:But Ian knows that if love is war... 但是Ian知道 如果这是场爱的战争...)

7. Booth advised me not to sleep with Ia because Booth didn't want me to be another notch on Ian's bedpost. (翻译:Booth让我别跟Ian上床 因为Booth不想我成为 Ian床上的另一个战利品)

8. If I go with mike, ian's heart will be broken, and ian does not deserve that. (翻译:如果我选Mike 那Ian就会心碎 然而Ian不该受此待遇)

9. That witness, if you call him that, is a Saracen . (翻译:那所谓证人,是撒拉逊人,他撒谎。)

10. Michael,johnny and Ian Chang have entered. (翻译:Michael Johnny和Ian Chang进来了)

11. Well, nice to meet you, Ian. (翻译:见到你很高兴Ian Well, nice to meet you, Ian.)

12. This is accepted on behalf of Ian McLellan Hunter. (翻译:This is accepted on behalf of Ian McLellan Hunter.)

13. But Ian Chang's girlfriend,celine Lea,is here. (翻译:但是Ian Chang的女朋友Celine Lea在那边)

14. - No, it actually was Ian rush. (翻译:No, it actually was Ian Rush.)

15. You are to immediately turn Ian Quinn over for transport to the fridge. (翻译:你要立即转交Ian Quinn送去冷冻柜)

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