mate killers是什么意思 mate killers的中文翻译、读音、例句

mate killers是什么意思 mate killers的中文翻译、读音、例句

mate killers的意思是"接合致死者",还有接合致死者的意思,在线读音是[matekillers],mate killers是一个英语名词,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到35个与mate killers相关的例句。

Mate killers的翻译


例句:Make sure Nolan is OK, please. (We mate for life! please.)


mate killers一般作为名词使用,如在mate with(使紧密配合)、to mate(将死)、giant killers(打败强大对手者)等常见短语中出现较多。

mate with使紧密配合
to mate将死
giant killers打败强大对手者
lady killers[网络] 淘金二人组;掘金壮士;女人欢心
pain killers[网络] 止痛药;止痛片;止痛剂
find a mate找对象,找配偶,找伙伴
first mate[经] 一等大副
fourth mate[网络] 驾驶助理员
jack maten. 船上同事\n[网络] 船友


1. Jaguars, they say, are nothing but cattle killers, dog killers. (翻译:他们说,美洲豹不过是牛犊杀手、狗的杀手,除此以外什么都不是。)

2. Here, come in, mate, come on! (翻译:快进来啊 快来! Here, come in, mate, come on!)

3. Vito and Frankie are not killers. (翻译:Vito and Frankie不是杀手)

4. So gloomy. Can't you take a joke? (翻译:Most killers kill someone they know.)

5. - Talk about letting the side down, mate. (翻译:- I know. - Talk about letting the side down, mate.)

6. Mate is a term that is earned. (翻译:搭档是获取的术语 Mate is a term that is earned.)

7. Oddball, where are you, mate? (翻译:奥迪,你正在哪,伙计? Oddball, where are you, mate?)

8. ♪ Say, look at your mate, And help me sing my song ♪ (翻译:look at your mate♪ ♪And help me sing my song♪)

9. Because I know killers, Vega. (翻译:因为我了解杀人犯 Vega Because I know killers, Vega.)

10. Never mess with a man's jewels, mate. (翻译:mate. What the fuck...)

11. Mate has something called an EventMap, a place where one wires up the application. (翻译:Mate有个叫EventMap的东西,用来包装应用。)

12. Not all sharks are in the water. (翻译:Careful, mate. Not all sharks are in the water.)

13. Come on, mate, keep it on, keep it on. (翻译:加油 继续 继续 Come on, mate, keep it on, keep it on.)

14. And they are ruthless killers. (翻译:几近完美的捕食者 A nearly perfect predator.)

15. I don't like to think about it, old mate. (翻译:old mate. No joy there.)

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