scalable content是什么意思 scalable content的中文翻译、读音、例句

scalable content是什么意思 scalable content的中文翻译、读音、例句

scalable content的中文解释是"可调式内容",作为名词时有"可调式内容"的意思,在线发音:[scalablecontent],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到63个与scalable content相关的例句。

Scalable content的翻译


例句:In poking around in my dictionaries I also noticed that the word content meaning "happy" is also related to continent and incontinent. (随手翻字典,我还发现content这个词——意为“满意,开心”——也和continent和incontinent相关联。)


scalable content一般作为名词使用,如在scalable(①可称重的②可攀登的③可去鳞的 )、scalable architecture(可扩缩的体系结构)、scalable coding(可伸缩编码)等常见短语中出现较多。

scalable architecture可扩缩的体系结构
scalable coding可伸缩编码
scalable design[网络] 可缩放设计;易于调整的设计方式;扩展性设计
scalable font可缩放字形
scalable video可调整视频
not content[网络] 不甘
the content[网络] 内容;页主体内容;参展内容


1. Once the content providers start charging you, do you have a plan for that? (翻译:如果材料提供者开始索取费用, Once the content providers start charging you, 你有应对计划吗? do you have a plan for that?)

2. Might you be content with me? (翻译:你跟我在一起能满足吗? Might you be content with me?)

3. The RVT features a modular, open and scalable design, and can operate at different frequencies and with different waveforms. (翻译:该RVT采用模块化、开放式可扩展设计,可以工作在不同频率和不同波形。)

4. They think of the old medium, because the old medium is always the content of the new medium, as movies tend to be the content of TV, and as books used to be the content, novels used to be the content of movies. (翻译:他们总想这旧媒体 因为旧媒体总是新媒体的内容 因为电影就好像是电视的内容 就好像书被用作内容一样 小说经常被用作电影的题材 )

5. But was there ever a time when the people were content? (翻译:但是真的有某个时期人民是心满意足的吗? But was there ever a time when the people were content?)

6. Scalable Reliable Multicast Protocal Using Active FEC (翻译:使用主动前向纠错技术的可扩展的可靠组播协议)

7. We built scalable and extensible resources, like biobanks and registries and directories of support for all diseases. (翻译:我们构建了可规模化和可拓展的资源, 比如包括所有疾病的 生物信息库,注册信息和协助电话。)

8. Each and every act is substantia in content (翻译:场场戏肉 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Each and every act is substantia in content)

9. But it only treats a few kids, and so this isn't very scalable. (翻译:但它只针对个别的孩子。这种学校非常稀缺。)

10. Lotus Quickr displays the content referenced by the WCM_CONTENT_CONTEXT when the portlet for the component is first displayed. (翻译:在第一次显示组件的portlet时,LotusQuickr显示WCM_CONTENT_CONTEXT引用的内容。)

11. The CF provides a scalable and centralized locking mechanism to ensure data coherency. (翻译:CF提供一个可扩展的集中锁定机制来确保数据一致性。)

12. They were made in highly liquid tradeable instruments, so this is scalable to the range of billions. (翻译:他们在高流动性可交易的仪器,这是升级到范围的数十亿美元。)

13. The WMX platform is highly scalable and can adopt content from any subject area, language, and country. (翻译:该WMX平台具有高度可扩展性和可采用任何国家学科及领域,语言的内容。)

14. Uber is an amazing, highly scalable new power model. (翻译:Uber很不可思议, 拥有强大的新势力模式, )

15. - The Pasha will be happy! (翻译:帕夏会很满意的 Le pacha va être content.)

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