scan positional distortion是什么意思 scan positional distortion的中文翻译、

scan positional distortion是什么意思 scan positional distortion的中文翻译、

scan positional distortion在英语中代表"扫描像位差"的意思,还经常被翻译为扫描像位差,发音音标为[scanpositionaldistortion],scan positional distortion来源于英语,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到33个与scan positional distortion相关的句子。

Scan positional distortion的中文翻译


例句:The right to object to any distortion, mutilation or modification of the work. (反对任何窜改、肢体不全或是修改作品的权利。)


scan positional distortion一般作为名词使用,如在positional(①位置的②阵地的 )、scan(扫描 )、scan in(扫描输入)等常见短语中出现较多。

scan in扫描输入
to scan扫描
positional accuracy位置精度
positional adjustment按照位置调整
positional assembly位置装配
positional astronomy方位天文学;球面天文学


1. I will scan you now. Scan complete. (翻译:ﺢﺴﻤﻟﺍ ﻞﻤﺘﻛﺍ ،ﻥﻵﺍ ﻚﺤﺴﻤﺑ ﻡﻮﻗﺄﺳ)

2. You could scan through every page of the cookbook and scan ingredients lists looking for blueberries, but these scans are costly. (翻译:您可以翻阅这本烹调书的每一页,在食材清单中寻找蓝莓,但是这种浏览成本很高。)

3. Comparison of SPGR single slice scan and continuous dynamic scan in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (翻译:阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征上气道SPGR序列单层扫描与动态扫描的比较)

4. The time distortion field. (翻译:The time distortion field. 时间场畸变)

5. Confirm DNA scan and voice print identification. (翻译:DNA扫描及声纹认证 Confirm DNA scan and voice print identification.)

6. But maybe he saw an optical effect caused by gravitational distortion. (翻译:也许他见到的是引力歪曲 所产生的视觉效应)

7. Attractiveness may be another example of a positional good. (翻译:魅力可能是位置商品的另一个例子。)

8. Note that the XML data model does not define a positional order among the attributes of an element. (翻译:注意,XML数据模型并不为一个元素的属性定义位置次序。)

9. And it reiterates that distortion is a constant, and our eyes are easily deceived. (翻译:它继续说明了相片的失真是经常发生的, 而我们的眼睛非常容易受到欺骗。)

10. He wants to do an MRI scan tomorrow. (翻译:他想明天做核磁共振 He wants to do an MRI scan tomorrow.)

11. The getopt UNIX utility scans the positional parameters for the named arguments you specify. (翻译:UNIX实用程序getopt扫描位置参数以获得您指定的命名参数。)

12. Toby will scan the route to predict attack patterns. (翻译:托比会分析预测袭击模式 Toby will scan the route to predict attack patterns.)

13. The Thumbprint parameter is a positional parameter so only the Thumbprint value must be supplied. (翻译:Thumbprint参数是位置参数,因此,只能提供Thumbprint值。)

14. The SCAN-AOPA newsletter is provided to their members three times a year. (翻译:向其会员提供xx年三期的SCAN - AOPA时事通讯。)

15. Dexterity is an important factor for evaluating the degree of motional distortion. (翻译:灵巧度是衡量机器人运动失真程度的重要参数。)

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