scepture是什么意思 scepture的中文翻译、读音、例句

scepture是什么意思 scepture的中文翻译、读音、例句

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例句:Provided the market for the SC1 being big enough, we can produce it relatively cheaply. (假若SC1产品的市场足够广阔,我们会以相对便宜的价格生产它。)


例句:Why don't you think the Iraq journo know ture condition of Iraq? (为什么你们不认为伊拉克记者了解伊拉克的实际情况呢? )


1. In 2001, the group recorded their first demo EP, o Acaso do Erro. (翻译:在xx年,该集团已记录了他们的第一个演示的EP,澳阿卡索做误差。)

2. CELEBRATE FREEDOM AIR SHOW Camden, SC (翻译:自由飞行表演show Camden, SC)

3. The concentration of EVA emulsion has no impact on cushioning properties of EP-EPS cushioning packaging materials. 4. (翻译:EVA乳胶的浓度对EP-EPS缓冲包装材料的缓冲性能基本没有影响。4。)

4. And every single year, over 97 percent say -- EP: The list grows -- HF: Well, no. (翻译:每年 超过97%的人会说 诶斯特:清单越来越长了吧 海伦:呃,没有 )

5. SC was able to get Akihiro's comment to the rumor and the Panday Kids mainstay just laughed it off. (翻译:SC能得到昭洋的评论对传言和Panday儿童的主体只是笑其关闭。)

6. They do not suffer coffering coughing, increased body temp er e a ture or other signs of active TB. (翻译:他们忍受不了不停的咳嗽,体温的上升或者肺结核的别的症状。)

7. And now she's using the SC name everywhere. (翻译:最近才会传闻不断 说她打著SC的幌子四处招摇呢)

8. Ep654 - Mingming intentionally appears in front of Yingming to gain his attention. (翻译:明明故意在英明面前出现,以引起对方的注意。)

9. Novel fungicide SYP-Z048 25% SC, flusilazole 40% EC and Pyarimethanil 40% SC were tested on Fungicidal Activity in Controlling Alternaria panax Whetz. (翻译:选用新型杀菌剂25%啶菌恶唑悬浮剂、40%氟硅唑乳油、40%嘧霉胺悬浮剂对人参黑斑病菌进行了抑制作用实验和田间病害防治实验。)

10. EP: Yes, but you -- HF: I do want to say one more thing. (翻译:诶斯特:是的,但是-- 海伦:还有一件事 )

11. Quality Standard: USP, EP, BP Uses: glucocorticoids, have anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-toxin antibodies allelopathy. (翻译:质量标准:USP,EP,BP用途:糖皮质激素,具有抗炎、抗过敏、抗、抗体克作用。)

12. So this thesis designs some simulations to compare the spectral efficiency of OFDM and SC-FDE. (翻译:本文设计了自适应SC-FDE系统的信道估计方法,分信道捕获和信道跟踪完成。)

13. Guide for use for cine-camera SC-29 for secret surveillance (翻译:隐蔽监视电影摄像机SC -29 使用指南)

14. I heard that your film will only be produced with SC's investment. (翻译:我听说朴民奎导演的电影 只有跟SC娱乐解约的明星 才能参与表演 不然不行)

15. And enterprises of great pith and moment, With this regard their Currants ture away, And loose the name of Action. (翻译:伟大的事业在这一种考虑之下,也会逆流而退,失去了行动的意义。)

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