schedule income tax是什么意思 schedule income tax的中文翻译、读音、例句

schedule income tax是什么意思 schedule income tax的中文翻译、读音、例句

schedule income tax在英语中代表"分类所得税"的意思,其中文解释还有"分类所得税"的意思,在线读音是[scheduleincometax],schedule income tax是一个英语名词,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到49个与schedule income tax相关的例句。

Schedule income tax的中文翻译


例句:With the law of Enterprise Income Tax appearing, the quarrel of two enterprise income-tax laws which had continued 3 years halted. (随着内外资统一所得税法的颁布,持续了xx年的关于“两税合一”的讨论也就此偃旗息鼓。)


schedule income tax一般作为名词使用,如在income tax schedule(所得税税率表)、tax schedule(un. 税率表)、income tax(n. 所得税)等常见短语中出现较多。

income tax schedule所得税税率表
tax scheduleun. 税率表
income taxn. 所得税
tax income[财]征收所得税
tax on income[财]所得税
tax rate schedule[经] 税率表
direct income tax[税收] 直接所得税
earned income tax勤劳所得的所得税
employee income tax[税收] 职工所得税


1. China has issued two taxation notices to levy tax on the income of ESOs. (翻译:而中国税法中,至今只有两个通知,对股票期权收益如何征税进行了规定。)

2. -The amount of money that we spend on defense, is excactly equal to the amount of corporate income tax. (翻译:我们在国防上所花费的大量费用是和所有企业税的数目完全相等的)

3. Sir, we're in a soup, Mukesh has called Income Tax Commissioner. (翻译:先生 我们的处境很尴尬 米凯什已经给税收专员打电话了)

4. And the evidence that Romer and Romer look at is combining the tax rate stuff with the income stuff. (翻译:译者所关注的证据是税率效果和收入效果的结合。)

5. They charged him of fraud, for telling the american people the truth about the income tax laws. (翻译:由于joseph Banister告诉了美国人民收入税是场骗局而受到国内税收局的指控)

6. Ned, would you like me to schedule a meeting? (翻译:would you like me to schedule a meeting?)

7. Shropshire County Council sets its council tax levels annually and the tax accounts for about a third of the council's total income. (翻译:什罗普郡市政厅每年设置调整市政税的税率,这大约占市政厅全部收入的三分之一。)

8. Doctor up some income tax, for which they got no case, to annoy me. (翻译:医生没有病患,所以过来缴收入税... 来烦我)

9. These gifts count as income for tax purposes. (翻译:这些赠与应属于纳税的收入。)

10. We can't do it today, but we can schedule for next week. (翻译:but we can schedule for next week.)

11. Based on this perception, a new tax reform is expected to unify the current two distinct sets of income tax for DEs, FIEs and FEs. (翻译:基于这种情况,统一现在对国内企业,外国投资企业,国外企业的两种不同的所得税制的税制改革有望出台。)

12. The Supreme Court even found a corporate income tax law unconstitutional in 1909. (翻译:最高法院甚至发现xx年的企业所得税法也是违反宪法的)

13. My schedule is suddenly quite full. (翻译:My schedule is suddenly quite full.)

14. Income taxes skyrocketed and tax allowances were lowered. (翻译:所得税急剧上升而免税额却下降了。)

15. Fake CBl, income Tax or ACB teams conduct a raid.. (翻译:假装中央调查局 税务局或者Acb 搞一次突击搜查...)

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