schizograptus是什么意思 schizograptus的中文翻译、读音、例句

schizograptus是什么意思 schizograptus的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:I'm family, Iz, is all I'm pointing out, and that's why you can trust me. (我是自己人 Iz 我就是这个意思 这也正是你可以相信我的原因)





1. Please stop eating for a moment and pay rapt and worshipful attention. (翻译:现在,请稍停用餐,大家全神贯注地、敬畏地听我讲。)

2. Speed and Emotion: Sometimes, the audience seemed rapt attention, and in fact is not the case, may be absent entirely. (翻译:语速与情绪:有时候,听者似乎在全神贯注地倾听,而事实上却并非如此,完全可能心不在焉。)

3. Did the soccer players in More og Romsdal play more dirty than elsewhere in the country? (翻译:是在默勒的足球运动员 比国家其它地方玩得更野蛮吗? )

4. Devastate damage is also affected by talents and abilities that increase overall damage or crit bons, sch as Enrage and Impale. (翻译:毁灭打击旳伤害也受其他增加全局伤害以及致命一击奖励旳影响,比如谈激怒以及穿刺。)

5. Then we turned, and went up the way to Bashan: and Og the king of Bashan came out against us, he and all his people, to battle at Edrei. (翻译:3:1以后,我们转回,向巴珊去。巴珊王噩和他的众民都出来,在以得来与我们交战。)

6. Think about it, Iz, no more worrying about tractors or harvests or... (翻译:这样就不用再担心拖拉机 收割 还有...)

7. Someone bets that in Ferrari you will become more popular than Sch. (翻译:有人打赌说在法拉利你会比舒马赫更受欢迎。)

8. You can't take money from an OG and not pay it back. (翻译:你不可能从一个老家伙 那里拿钱而不还回去。)

9. We'll blast through Mexicans tonight for what they did to you, OG. (翻译:我们将通过打击墨西哥人民 今晚他们做了什么给你,OG。)

10. Now in this room with these four disabled musicians, within five minutes a rapt listening, a rapt response and some really insanely beautiful music. (翻译:这个屋子里的四位残疾音乐家 将在五分钟内 以全神贯注的倾听和回应 创造令人疯狂的每秒音乐)

11. Mamer and IZ, a Kazakh band from Xinjiang, are a legend in China's independent music scene. (翻译:新疆的哈萨克族音乐家马木尔和他的IZ乐队在中国的独立音乐界是一个具有传奇色彩的名字。)

12. sat completely still, enraptured by the music; listened with rapt admiration; rapt in reverie. (翻译:安静地坐着,陶醉于音乐;带着着迷的敬意聆听;痴迷于幻想。)

13. Og preserves ownership and group information. (翻译:og保留所有权和组信息。)

14. 20 and Og king of Bashan- His love endures forever. (翻译:又杀巴珊王噩,因他的慈爱永远长存。)

15. Only Og king of Bashan was left of the remnant of the Rephaites. (翻译:利乏音人所剩下的只有巴珊王噩。)

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