seeding apparatus是什么意思 seeding apparatus的中文翻译、读音、例句

seeding apparatus是什么意思 seeding apparatus的中文翻译、读音、例句

seeding apparatus的中文解释是"排种器",作为名词时有"排种器"的意思,在线发音:[seedingapparatus],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到58个与seeding apparatus相关的例句。

Seeding apparatus的词典翻译


例句:No doubt, but that's the heaviest apparatus known to man. (瑭拸疶恀ㄛ笋涴岆濬眒眭腔郔笭腔扢掘賸﹝)


seeding apparatus一般作为名词使用,如在seeding([机] 晶种)、apparatus(仪器 )、direct seeding(直播)等常见短语中出现较多。

seeding[机] 晶种
direct seeding直播
directed seeding直播
drylot seeding场饲肥畜
drill seeding畦播,条播
dynamic seeding动力种云
error seeding错误播种
enrichment seeding增播


1. This research is also supported by a Seeding Drug Discovery Award from the Wellcome Trust. (翻译:本研究也得到了“药物研发维康基金会奖”的支持。)

2. Seeding uniformity is an important factor to evaluate performance and quality of seeders. (翻译:播种均匀度是衡量播种机性能与质量的重要指标。)

3. Breathings apparatus not operational. (翻译:呼吸器不能工作。)

4. Something, such as the pleated windbag of an accordion, that resembles this apparatus. (翻译:风箱状物类似上述装置的东西,如带有煞褶的手风琴风箱)

5. which completely upset not only the German location apparatus, but also their gun-aiming apparatus. (翻译:它不仅完全扰乱了德国人的定位仪器, 而且还使它们的高炮瞄准装置无法使用)

6. Voltage reference apparatus, voltameter, battery voltage detection apparatus and wireless communication device. (翻译:电压参考装置,伏特表,电池电压检测装置和无线通信设备。)

7. After seeding, supercooled water decreases while ice, snowfall and graupel increases. (翻译:加入人工冰晶催化后过冷云水减少,冰晶和雪增加,霰略有增加。)

8. This invention relates to an apparatus and process for atomizing a petroleum feed. (翻译:本发明涉及雾化石油进料的装置和方法。)

9. And these are in the form of sensory apparatus -- telescopes, microscopes -- reasoning apparatus -- various ways of thinking -- and, most importantly, in the ability to change perspective on things. (翻译:它们通常是作为人体感官之辅助出现 比如望远镜、显微镜 以及各种思维上的辅助工具 以及更重要的 就是以全新的视角去看待同样的问题)

10. An optical scanning apparatus is detachably mountable in an image forming apparatus. (翻译:一种光学扫描设备,可以以可拆卸的方式安装于图像形成设备中。)

11. The URLs need to be standardized, torrents need seeding. We need to... (翻译:网址需要标准化 种子文件需要做种,我们需要)

12. With cinder used as seeding matrixs, the survival percent of transplantation could reach 93% and that of graftage is 88%. (翻译:以炉灰渣为试管苗的移栽扦插基质,移栽成活率为93%,扦插成活率为88%。)

13. And these are in the form of sensory apparatus -- telescopes, microscopes -- reasoning apparatus -- various ways of thinking -- and, most importantly, in the ability to change perspective on things. (翻译:它们通常是作为人体感官之辅助出现 比如望远镜、显微镜 以及各种思维上的辅助工具 以及更重要的 就是以全新的视角去看待同样的问题 )

14. Bolis furnace is an ideal apparatus for simulation of BF operation. (翻译:包里斯炉能定量描述炉身生产情况,是模拟高炉生产的理想设备。)

15. It's May, and the seeding season is over. The commune must now prepare for the autumn. (翻译:已是xx月 收获的季节临近了 但还必须考虑播种)

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