seem to be是什么意思 seem to be的中文翻译、读音、例句

seem to be是什么意思 seem to be的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意思和用法:'seem to be'是一个常见的词组,意为“看起来像是”,常用于表达某种主观的推测或判断。例如:“他似乎对我的建议不太满意。”在语法上,这个词组通常用作系动词后面的补语,表示主语的状态或属性。

2. 搭配和变体:'seem'是一个不规则动词,其现在分词和过去分词分别为'seeming'和'seemed'。在口语和非正式场合,人们经常使用缩写形式'seems'或'seemed'。

3. 使用技巧:在使用这个词组时,需要注意主语和补语之间的一致性。例如:“这个问题似乎很容易解决。”如果主语是单数,则应使用单数的系动词和单数的补语形式。

4. 英语应用:'seem to be'广泛应用于各个领域,以下是几个常见的例子:

- I seem to be having trouble opening this file. (我好像无法打开这个文件。)

- The weather seems to be getting warmer these days. (这几天天气好像在变暖。)

- She seems to be a very talented singer. (她似乎是一个非常有才华的歌手。)

- They seem to be enjoying themselves at the party. (他们看起来在派对上很开心。)

- It seems to be a difficult decision to make. (这似乎是一个很难做出的决定。)

seem to be的意思是“看起来是”,表示某事物表面上的状态或虚构的状态。


读音:[siːm tuː biː]


1. He seems to be tired after a long day at work. (他看起来工作一整天很累了。)

2. The weather seems to be turning colder. (天气好像要变冷了。)

3. The movie seems to be very popular among teenagers. (这部电影似乎在青少年中非常流行。)

4. The situation seems to be getting worse every day. (情况看起来每天都在变得更糟。)

seem to be在中文中有"好像"的意思,其中文解释还有"看来"的意思,发音是[seemtobe],seem to be常被用作名词,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到95个与seem to be相关的例句。

Seem to be的中文翻译


例句:And they seem to put up with them. (And they seem to put up with them. 把自己装扮的很抢风头)


例句:To sleep on the hard ground a night, that your bed may seem the softer? (that your bed may seem the softer?)


seem to be一般作为名词使用,如在seem(好象 )、seem as([网络] 仿佛)、seem as if([网络] 看上去好象;看起来象;似的)等常见短语中出现较多。

seem as[网络] 仿佛
seem as if[网络] 看上去好象;看起来象;似的
seem to似乎,好象;看起来
to seem[网络] 似乎;仿似;感到好像
it would seem[网络] 看起来象;据说
seem as thoughvt. 似乎好象
seem like仿佛…似的
seem to do[网络] 似乎;似乎要做某事;似乎做某事


1. I seem to find myself single. (翻译:我好像被甩了 I seem to find myself single.)

2. # But still the days seem the same (翻译:But still the days seem the same)

3. Darcy, old bean, you almost seem disappointed. (翻译:you almost seem disappointed.)

4. Pardon me if I seem distant (翻译:Pardon me if I seem distant)

5. Huh? Slowly but surely, everyone in this town is falling prey to Famine. But so far, you seem unaffected. (翻译:Dean? you seem unaffected.)

6. I seem to have my dates muddled up. (翻译:I seem to have my dates muddled up.)

7. Uh, well, you certainly seem to want to share your story. (翻译:you certainly seem to want to share your story.)

8. Yeah, it does seem a little rushed. (翻译:it does seem a little rushed.)

9. You seem a bit troubled lately. (翻译:你最近好像有些忧虑 You seem a bit troubled lately.)

10. Even if it may seem weird. (翻译:即使是奇怪的事情 Even if it may seem weird.)

11. That doesn't seem possible. (翻译:那看起来不太可能。- That doesn t seem possible.)

12. Now, all these years seem just like a blink. (翻译:all these years seem just like a blink.)

13. That seem odd to you? [Voice breaking] No. (翻译:你觉得那奇怪吗 That seem odd to you?)

14. - You seem a little tense, Harry. (翻译:-你好像有些紧张 -有吗 -You seem a little tense, Harry.)

15. So while he was keeping us busy with the ads in the Times, turns out he was getting his real instructions elsewhere. Daddy: (翻译:那么我们基本可以这么说 Then it would seem safe to assume)

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