sul是什么意思 sul的中文翻译、读音、例句

sul是什么意思 sul的中文翻译、读音、例句




- Speed Up Link

- Seoul University Library

- Sulfur

- Solar Ultraviolet Light

2. Speed Up Link的相关例句:

- I need to improve the speed of my internet connection. Maybe I need to install a new SUL router.

- The computer system has been upgraded with a new SUL technology to increase the data transfer rate.

- Our company's IT department is researching new SUL solutions to make our communication faster and more efficient.

- SUL technology can be useful for gaming and online streaming.

3. Seoul University Library的相关例句:

- You can find many rare books and research materials at SUL.

- SUL provides a variety of services to students, staff, and faculty.

- SUL is located in the heart of the university campus, making it easy to access for students.

- The university is planning to expand and renovate SUL to create a more modern and user-friendly environment for studying and research.

4. Sulfur的相关例句:

- Sulfur is a chemical element with the symbol 'S' and atomic number 16.

- Sulfur is used in many industries, including agriculture and the production of fertilizers.

- People with sulfur allergies may experience skin irritation or respiratory problems.

- Sulfur is also an important component of some natural resources, such as coal and petroleum.

5. Solar Ultraviolet Light的相关例句:

- Overexposure to SUL can cause skin damage and increase the risk of skin cancer.

- SUL can also affect the eyes, causing cataracts and other eye problems.

- It is important to wear sunscreen and protective clothing when exposed to SUL for long periods of time.

- SUL can be used to disinfect water and sterilize medical equipment.




1. 겨울이 시작하면 하늘에서는 흰 '설'이 내리기 시작합니다.(当冬天到来时,天空中开始飘落白色的雪花。)

2. 나는 매우 아름다운 '설'을 볼 수 있는 곳에 가고 싶습니다.(我想去一个可以看到非常美丽的雪景的地方。)

3. 오늘은 정말 춥고 '설'이 내리는 날입니다.(今天真的很冷,正在下着雪。)

4. '설'이 내리는 밤, 사람들은 집안에 모여서 따뜻한 차나 음식을 함께 나눕니다.(下雪的夜晚,人们聚在家里,共享一些温暖的茶和食物。)

5. '설'이 쌓인 다리 위를 걷는 것은 매우 위험합니다.(走在积雪的桥上非常危险。)

6. 창밖으로 내려오는 '설'이 느긋하게 떨어져 내려와서 매우 아름답습니다. (从窗户外飘落下来的雪花缓慢而优美,非常美丽。)

7. 흰 '설'이 내리는 날, 나는 항상 따뜻한 옷을 입고 나갑니다.(下雪的日子,我总是穿着暖和的衣服出门。)

8. 이 곳은 '설'이 많이 내리는 지역이라서, 유명한 스키장이 있습니다.(这里是下雪很多的地区,有著名的滑雪场。)

9. 크리스마스에는 흰 '설'이 내리면 더욱 행복한 기분이 듭니다.(圣诞节下雪时更加开心。)





例句:"It is dividing Brazil into nations of colour, " says Onyx Lorenzoni, a federal deputy from Rio Grande do Sul state. (“这种作法要将巴西区分成各种颜色的民族”,南大河州的联邦众议员OnyxLorenzoni表示。)


例句:A community of Brazilians from the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul has grown up in Ford Lauderdale , Florida . (来自巴西南部南里奥格兰德州的移民社区已在佛罗里达州的劳德代尔堡壮大起来。)


例句:Churrasco is much more than a way of cooking in Rio Grande do Sul. It's a way of life. (在南里奥格兰德,巴西烧烤不仅仅是一种烹饪方法,更是一种生活方式。)


例句:On april 2, with the people of Rio Grande do sul demobilized, (翻译:xx月xx日,随着南里奥格兰德州的人被遣散, On ApriI 2, with the people of Rio Grande do SuI demobilized,)


sul一般作为名词使用,如在Extremo Sul([地名] 南埃什特雷穆 ( 安哥 ))、sul g(G 弦(弦)奏)、sul ponticello([网络] 靠近琴码演奏;意琴马;琴马奏)等常见短语中出现较多。

Extremo Sul[地名] 南埃什特雷穆 ( 安哥 )
sul gG 弦(弦)奏
sul ponticello[网络] 靠近琴码演奏;意琴马;琴马奏
sul tasto[网络] 近指板奏;近指板弓;靠近指板演奏
Estrela do Sul[地名] 南埃斯特雷拉 ( 巴西 )
Encruzilhada do Sul[地名] 南恩克鲁济利亚达 ( 巴西 )
Jandaia do Sul[地名] 南然达亚 ( 巴西 )
Laranjeiras do Sul[地名] 南拉兰热拉斯 ( 巴西 )
Lavras do Sul[地名] 南拉夫拉斯 ( 巴西 )


1. Churrasco is much more than a way of cooking in Rio Grande do Sul. It's a way of life. (翻译:在南里奥格兰德,巴西烧烤不仅仅是一种烹饪方法,更是一种生活方式。)

2. On april 2, with the people of Rio Grande do sul demobilized, (翻译:xx月xx日,随着南里奥格兰德州的人被遣散, On ApriI 2, with the people of Rio Grande do SuI demobilized,)

3. Antu'sul's Sul'lithuz Broodlings now only hatch 4 at a time and are significantly weaker. (翻译:那个大蜥蜴现在一次只生出4个蜥蜴,因此明显的简单了…)

4. Antu'sul's Warden no longer attempts to knock adventurers into Antu'sul's lair. (翻译:安图苏尔德守护着不会再攻击深入安图苏尔巢穴的冒险者。)

5. Most cases in Brazil are concentrated in Rio Grande do Sul, the state that borders both Uruguay and Argentina, and in Sa o Paulo. (翻译:巴西流感受感染的人员主要集中在与乌拉圭和阿根廷接壤的南里奥格兰德州和圣保罗市。)

6. Team Leader Yong, Do Chi San, Song Man Bo, Woo Yong Sul, all four of them stopped coming to work at the same time, so I am worried as well. (翻译:龙组长 度智善 宋万宝 于龙戌 这四个人同时不上班 我也很担心)

7. that the president retreated to the interior of Rio Grande do Sul, precisely to Sao Borja, (翻译:总统撤退到南里奥格兰德州那里, that the president retreated to the interior of Rio Grande do Sul, 准确地说是圣博尔雅, precisely to Sao Borja,)

8. In Rio Grande do Sul, the defeat was not yet consummated. (翻译:在南里奥格兰德州,尚未完全失败。In Rio Grande do Sul, the defeat was not yet consummated.)

9. colonel Antonio Carlos Muricy was forced to leave his position in Rio Grande do Sul due to his opposition to Brizola. (翻译:安东尼奥・卡洛斯上校由于他对布里佐拉的反对 ColoneI Antonio Carlos Muricy was forced to leave his position 被迫离开自己在南里奥格兰德州的职位。in Rio Grande do Sul due to his opposition to Brizola.)

10. State congressman in 1947, Federal congressman in 1950, secretary of interior and justice in Rio Grande do Sul, national chairman for PTB. (翻译:xx年州议员,xx年联邦议员, State congressman in 1947, Federal congressman in 1950, 南里奥格兰德州的内政和司法部长, secretary of interior and justice in Rio Grande do Sul, 巴西工党全国主席。)

11. Gunmen apparently hired byranchers killed a chief from the Kaiowa-Guarani Indian tribein the Brazilianstate of Mato Grosso do Sul. (翻译:农场主明目张胆的雇佣枪手打死了来自印度巴西马托格罗索州的酋长。)

12. Hey Woo Yong Sul, Do Chi San, do you want to live here, or do you want to return to Joseon? (翻译:度内官 于翊赞 想在这里继续生活还是想早点回朝鲜)

13. Sul, what are you doing up here? (翻译:苏尔,你在这里干什么? )

14. " Non suona, ma canta sul violin o " was what his contemporaries said of Tartini's playing. (翻译:“非唢呐,马坎塔扎小提琴”是他的同时代人玩什么说塔尔蒂尼的。)



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