engulf是什么意思 engulf的中文翻译、读音、例句

engulf是什么意思 engulf的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇含义:'engulf'的基本含义是"吞没、淹没或覆盖",通常指物体或物质的全面包围或淹没。

2. 语法用法:'engulf'是及物动词,需要一个受事物作为它的宾语。它也可以用作被动语态,表示某物被吞噬或淹没。

3. 派生词汇:'engulfed'是'engulf'的过去分词形式,表示已经被吞噬或淹没。其他相关的词汇包括'engulfment'(吞没,淹没),'engulfing'(包围,覆盖),以及'engulfer'(吞噬者)等。


1. The waves engulfed the small boat, making it impossible for the sailors to survive.(浪潮吞没了小船,使水手们无法生存。)

2. The flames quickly engulfed the house, and the firefighters were unable to save it.(火势迅速将房屋吞没,消防员无法救援。)

3. The city was engulfed in a thick fog, making it difficult for drivers to see.(城市被浓雾吞没,使司机难以看见。)

4. The company was engulfed in scandal after it was revealed that their products were unsafe.(公司陷入丑闻之中,因为他们的产品被证实是不安全的。)

5. The athlete was engulfed by a wave of emotion as he crossed the finish line, realizing he had won the race.(这位运动员在冲过终点线时被一阵情感淹没了,意识到自己已经赢得了比赛。)

英 [ɪnˈɡʌlf] 美 [ɪnˈɡʌlf]



1. The flames quickly engulfed the building. (火焰迅速吞噬了这幢建筑。)

2. A thick fog engulfed the city. (浓雾笼罩着这座城市。)

3. The ship was engulfed by a huge wave. (这艘船被一大波淹没了。)

4. The town was engulfed by the flood. (这个镇被洪水淹没了。)

5. The political scandal has engulfed the entire nation. (这场政治丑闻已经波及全国。)




例句:Composition No. 79 manifests a cragginess and complexity that engulf the overall image but the aesthetic conclusion is astoundingly sublime and pleasing to the eye. (《构图第79号》所呈现的陡峭和复杂吞噬了整个画面,可是美术效果是意外地壮观且赏心悦目。)


例句:So if you engulf planet or large number of asteroids, you will have this Lithium-6 isotope in the spectrum of the star. (所以,如果吞没了行星或者大数量的小行星. 就会有锂6同位素 出现在这颗星的光谱里。)


例句:It'll heat up, swell, and engulf the inner planets. (温度会升高, 体积会膨胀 并将吞噬所有内行星)


例句:White blood cells are our body's defense against bacterial invaders, and when they sense this inflammation due to infection, they will enter from the blood into the lung and engulf the bacteria. (翻译:白细胞是人类身体的防御者 专门针对细菌入侵者, 当白细胞感觉到这种炎症感染, 它们将从血液进入肺 并吞噬细菌。)


engulf一般作为动词使用,如在engulf oneself in(专心致志地…,孜孜不倦地从事于…)等常见短语中出现较多。

engulf oneself in专心致志地…,孜孜不倦地从事于…


1. It'll heat up, swell, and engulf the inner planets. (翻译:温度会升高, 体积会膨胀 并将吞噬所有内行星)

2. White blood cells are our body's defense against bacterial invaders, and when they sense this inflammation due to infection, they will enter from the blood into the lung and engulf the bacteria. (翻译:白细胞是人类身体的防御者 专门针对细菌入侵者, 当白细胞感觉到这种炎症感染, 它们将从血液进入肺 并吞噬细菌。)

3. But the key part is trying to give back an extraordinary piece of landscape, rather than engulf it. (翻译:但是关键 是试着还给土地一片别致的景观 而不是践踏它)

4. The European crisis is no longer a European crisis. It has morphed into something that could easily engulf the global economy. (翻译:欧洲面临的危机已经不仅只是欧洲的危机了,它已经演变成了一场可以轻易席卷全球经济的危机。)

5. The demons are using your body to engulf people in fear, and indulge in trivial gratification from their sufferings. (翻译:你的身体被拿去把人们在恐惧中给吞噬 以及沉迷于毫无价值的喜悦里)

6. The next Ice Age could take only weeks to engulf Britain. (翻译:下次冰期吞噬英国可能只需几个星期。)

7. Guilt about eating refugees' food was the last emotion I wanted to add to the mix of feelings that often threatened to engulf me. (翻译:因为此刻我的心情已经非常沉重,吃他们的食物会让我感到万分内疚。)

8. These glimmering eyes can capture you, flirt with you and engulf you with tenderness. (翻译:这些闪闪发光的眼睛能捕捉你,与你和你调情吞没温柔。)

9. The crisis threatens to engulf several others. (翻译:这个危机波及了其它几个成员。)

10. It sticks, it wiggles its way through between the cell layers, through the pore, comes out on the other side of the membrane, and right there, it's going to engulf the bacteria labeled in green. (翻译:这个白细胞粘住后,扭动并通过 细胞层,通过孔洞, 从膜的另一边出来 而在膜的这边,它将会去吞噬 标记为绿色的细菌。)

11. It stayed calmly by my side, as the storm continued to engulf me in all its fury. (翻译:当暴风雨继续以它的狂暴吞没我时,那只鸟却镇静地陪伴着我。)

12. The incentive behind this is the impending economic disaster which threatens to engulf the entire planet and, with it, the dark cabal. (翻译:隐藏其后的是迫在眉睫的经济灾难,正在威胁着整个地球,并与它的黑暗阴谋集团。)

13. But the key part is trying to give back an extraordinary piece of landscape, rather than engulf it. (翻译:但是关键 是试着还给土地一片别致的景观 而不是践踏它 )

14. I have come into the deep waters; the floods engulf me. (翻译:我到了深水中。大水漫过我身。)

15. Europe is a powder keg waiting to explode in a war that will engulf the entire continent. (翻译:欧洲就是个一触即发的火药桶 欧洲就是个一触即发的火药桶)



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