reckoned是什么意思 reckoned的中文翻译、读音、例句

reckoned是什么意思 reckoned的中文翻译、读音、例句




reckoned可以用于口语中,也可以用于正式文体中,是一个常用的单词。在实际应用中,reckoned可以与很多动词连用,例如reckoned with,reckoned on等。





- reckon with:考虑到、面对

- reckon up:计算、总结

- reckon on:指望、期待

- reckon without:没有考虑到、忽略了

- reckon back:回想、追溯




1. The committee reckoned that the project would cost at least $1 million. (委员会估计该项目至少需要100万美元。)

2. After considering all of the options, I reckon we should choose the third one. (考虑了所有的选项之后,我认为我们应该选择第三种方案。)

3. The experts reckoned that the company's revenue would increase by 10% next year. (专家们预测,该公司的收入明年将增长10%。)

4. I reckon with the fact that I may not get the job I want. (我必须面对可能无法得到我想要的工作这一事实。)

5. We didn't reckon without the possibility of a weather delay. (我们没有考虑到天气延误的可能性。)




1. I reckon he'll arrive in about an hour. (我估计他大约一个小时后到达。)

2. She was reckoned as one of the best singers of her generation. (她被认为是她那一代最好的歌手之一。)

3. He reckoned that the project would take at least three years to complete. (他估计这个项目至少需要xx年才能完成。)




例句:I reckoned she didn't like her resting place, 'cos the next thing we know... (但她发现洞在那里 可能没有那么大。因为,正如我们现在 发现它是..)


例句:They are attracted to the rich North Sea fishing grounds that surround the island. The birds form a fishing fleet to be reckoned with. (它们是被环绕这个小岛的北海渔场吸引而来的 这些塘鹅组成的捕鱼大队不可小视)


例句:In Russia such drainage is reckoned to free 160m tonnes of the gas every year. (在俄罗斯,据估算,为了排干沼泽而溢漏的二氧化碳每年可达到一千六百万吨。)


例句:The Publican was counted vile and base and reckoned among the worst of men . (翻译:人们仍然认为征税员邪恶卑鄙,属于最坏的人之列。)


reckoned一般作为名词使用,如在reckoned for([网络] 据估计)、reckoned in(把…计算在内)、reckoned on(v. 依赖;寄望于;依赖;寄望于)等常见短语中出现较多。

reckoned for[网络] 据估计
reckoned in把…计算在内
reckoned onv. 依赖;寄望于;依赖;寄望于
reckoned withna. 和…算账;将…加以考虑\n[网络] 人们总要正视;以处理
reckoned up计算;合计
reckoned upon[网络] 据估计
reckoned withoutun. 不把…考虑在内;忽略:


1. In Russia such drainage is reckoned to free 160m tonnes of the gas every year. (翻译:在俄罗斯,据估算,为了排干沼泽而溢漏的二氧化碳每年可达到一千六百万吨。)

2. The Publican was counted vile and base and reckoned among the worst of men . (翻译:人们仍然认为征税员邪恶卑鄙,属于最坏的人之列。)

3. Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt. (翻译:作工的得工价,不算恩典,乃是该得的 )

4. I trully beleive that a community can be formed and connected through something like Twitter and they can be a force to be reckoned with. (翻译:我确实相信一可以通过Twitter等的联系形成一个社区,并成为不可忽视的力量。)

5. Reckoned he was a better bet, did you? (翻译:你觉得他比我更好,是不是? Reckoned he was a better bet, did you?)

6. We'd reckoned on having good weather. (翻译:我们原指望会有好天气。)

7. So as Edmund Burke said, "The restraints on men, as well as their liberties, are to be reckoned among their rights." (翻译:所以 Edmund Burke 说”人们的束缚 和他们的自由﹐是在他们的权利上。“)

8. But the designers reckoned that after a few years they might develop their own emotional responses. (翻译:设计者猜想几年来 他们可能发展出个人的情绪反应)

9. And his brethren by their families, when the genealogy of their generations was reckoned, were the chief, Jeiel, and zechariah. (翻译:他的弟兄照着宗族,按着家谱作族长的是耶利,撒迦利雅,比拉。)

10. In my time, they were a force to be reckoned with, and now they live in fear. (翻译:在我那个时代她们的力量很强大 而现在却生活在恐惧之中)

11. But for his forced exile from Germany, Warburg would probably have stayed there as an intellectual or politician, reckoned Ziegler. (翻译:他要不是被迫离开德国,很有可能成为一名知识分子或成为政客。)

12. A dust-bathing bison is a force to be reckoned with but the cowbirds risk their lives to grab fleeing insects. (翻译:野牛沙浴是一个不可忽视的力量 但牛鹂冒着生命危险 捕获逃离的昆虫)

13. They reckoned my instincts would take over, and kick in, but I have no survival instincts. (翻译:特别是陷在这种水深 人的本能驱使他去游泳 我就有这种本能)

14. It is a mark of his quality that Johan Cruyff reckoned he was ready for his debut at the age of just 17. (翻译:他的能力引人注目,胡安·克鲁伊夫认为他xx岁的时候就已经为第一次比赛做好了准备。)

15. America and Britain are reckoned to have among the greatest inequality, among rich countries, as measured by the Gini coefficient. (翻译:按基尼系数计算,美英两国都位于富裕国家里收入差距最大的几个国家之列。)



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