garbled是什么意思 garbled的中文翻译、读音、例句

garbled是什么意思 garbled的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 解释:'garbled'指的是混淆、失真、难以理解或不完整的信息或语言。

2. 拼写和发音:garbled /ɡɑːbld/。

3. 同义词:distorted, confused, jumbled, unclear。


1. The message was garbled and difficult to understand. (这条信息已经混乱不堪,难以理解。)

2. The story was garbled in the media, and the truth was distorted. (故事在媒体报道中被混淆,事实被扭曲了。)

3. The garbled sound from the loudspeaker made it hard to hear the announcement. (扬声器发出的难以辨认的声音使得宣布变得困难。)

4. The garbled code prevented the computer from completing the task. (混乱的代码阻止了计算机完成任务。)

5. His garbled speech alarmed the audience and made them confused. (他混乱的演讲让观众感到不安并且困惑。)




1. His speech was garbled and difficult to understand.(他的演讲含糊不清,很难理解。)

2. The message was garbled by the bad connection.(信号因为连接不良而混淆了。)

3. The witness's testimony was garbled by fear and confusion.(证人的证言因为恐惧和混乱而含糊不清。)




例句:The intercepts have missing words and garbled lines... so to explain the decrypts, we have to try to interpret... what we think they're trying to do. (这些信号并不完整 为了破解这些密码 我们必须做出判断)


例句:You are breaking up. [Continues, garbled] (I cannot hear you. 你那信号不好 You are breaking up.)


例句:- Grid square A-M-2-9. We think it's a garbled signal. - Signal to a U-boat? (方格位置A一M一2一9 我们认为那是一个篡改了 的信号)


例句:All she could do was parrot a garbled abbreviation in a language she didn't even understand. (翻译:她能做的就只是模仿一个英文缩写的发音 而这个语言是她根本就不懂的。)


garbled一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在garbled extracts(窜改过的摘录,断章取义)、garbled message([计] 错乱信息, 错乱报文)、garbled statement([计] 错用语句, 窜改语句)等常见短语中出现较多。

garbled extracts窜改过的摘录,断章取义
garbled message[计] 错乱信息, 错乱报文
garbled statement[计] 错用语句, 窜改语句


1. - Grid square A-M-2-9. We think it's a garbled signal. - Signal to a U-boat? (翻译:方格位置A一M一2一9 我们认为那是一个篡改了 的信号)

2. All she could do was parrot a garbled abbreviation in a language she didn't even understand. (翻译:她能做的就只是模仿一个英文缩写的发音 而这个语言是她根本就不懂的。)

3. All she could do was parrot a garbled abbreviation in a language she didn't even understand. (翻译:她能做的就只是模仿一个英文缩写的发音 而这个语言是她根本就不懂的。)

4. Perhaps it would be better to tell you... before the true facts are garbled... by the police. (翻译:不过最好还是在事实被警察... 扭曲之前... 先告诉你)

5. If the XML ON command has not been issued before a Transact-SQL statement that outputs XML streams is executed, the output will be garbled. (翻译:如果在执行输出XML流的Transact-SQL语句之前未发出XMLON命令,则输出将为乱码。)

6. There was a garbled message from her on my voicemail. (翻译:我的语音信箱里有她含混不清的留言。)

7. JSP technology is widely used in the production of dynamic web pages, but the chinese characters in its application often garbled. (翻译:JSP技术广泛应用于动态网页制作,但在应用中文字符时常常出现乱码。)

8. I'm not quite sure what your point is and I can't bring myself to read through your garbled arguments again for clarification. (翻译:我不太明白你想表达的意思,我觉得你的文章读起来有点断章取义。)

9. But that's as nothing compared to what happens when our ideas begin to trickle through in whatever garbled form they're relayed to the public. (翻译:更要命的是,他们对我们的理论 随意断章取义,再传给大众)

10. But garbled or not, the store of words derived from Arabic has greatly enriched the English language. (翻译:然而混杂与否,源于阿拉伯语的众多单词极大地丰富了英语的词汇。)

11. He gave a garbled account of what had happened. (翻译:他对所发生事情的叙述含混不清。)

12. You're just not good company — the company... (garbled) (翻译:你跟什么样的人不能 跟什么样的人... 空 空我家...)

13. The Coast Guard needs to decipher garbled messages in a few minutes. (翻译:海岸警卫队需要在几分钟内破译含混不清的讯息。)

14. I think the address must've gotten garbled. We can't find the site. (翻译:我想这地址一定是搞错了,我们找不到这个站点)

15. We received a garbled distress call, then silence. (翻译:我们收到一个混乱的求救信号 然后就没有消息了)



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